Hey Agwest,
It looks like you’re looking to bring that ‘drop down’ menu to the right of the “Newsletter” label, as well as adjust the width of your fields. Let’s address bringing the ‘drop down’ menu up first.
I wasn’t able to figure out a pure CSS solution, but I did find a workaround that you may consider.
In the workaround, there’s two steps: 1) Convert your drop down options to groups in your list and 2) add a line of CSS to your stylesheet.
To convert your drop down to groups, login to your MailChimp account and go to the Lists tab > click on the Gear icon > then Forms. Click on your “Newsletter” drop down field on your sign up form, then select “covnert to groups” on the right-hand side. Once that’s been converted, go into your WordPress Admin area, then go to your WordPress/MailChimp plugin’s settings and use the “update list” button to refresh your list options. Make sure your group options are set to be visible.
Now, you’ll just want to add this CSS to your stylesheet:
.mc_interests_header {
float: left;
You should see that drop down option show up to the right of your field’s label.
In regards to the width of your form’s fields, you can just add some CSS to your stylesheet like this:
#mc_signup_form .mc_input {
width: 200px;
And adjust the width as necessary.
If you have any questions, let me know!