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  • Samuel B


    ftp to site or use host’s file manager to rename the /minimu folder
    this will deactivate it and let you log in



    Hiho, hope its here the right way to tell you about a bug.
    First of all, sorry for my worse english, i learned it long long time ago ??

    I don′t realy find out where the bug is, but perhaps i can try to solve it, i use WP 2.9.2 with standard settings. Till now I just do some tests and have no open blog. After i have installed minimu in the automated way I can′t login to the admin section anymore.
    The Home Blog works fine, but even if i want go to the admin section “http…/wordpress/wp-admin/” i will be redirectet to http…/wordpress/wordpress/wp-admin/”.
    This happens if I klick the link to the admin section and if I wrote the admin adress manualy.

    hope this will help




    I wrote this plugin – thanks for trying it out and letting me know about the problems you’re seeing.

    @everwill – the site seems to be loading correctly now. Have you disabled the plugin as @samboll noted? The url you posted has wwww. instead of www. was that just a typo?

    @dfarin – Your english if fine ?? It looks like you have wordpress installed in a subdirectory ( instead of the site root ( I’ll check to see if that’s what’s causing the problem.




    thx, and yes, I install wp for the first time. I think the best way to learn is to leave all standard settings and then watch how it works.

    hmm… isn′t here an option to get a message if there′s a new post or reply ?



    I’ve located a bug that was likely causing this issue and updated the plugin. Please update to the latest (v0.2) and see if works for you now.

    Not sure about the new post notifications on these forums. I haven’t found that yet either.

    I’ll be adding commenting to the plugin site shortly.



    So.. after upgrade to rev 0.2 my Blog works and I can open the admin panel without problems.
    But now there′s an other mistake I think.
    If MiniMu is activated i can′t open my “old” articles/posts, even if I click them I see a page with “Not Found” (in a german version). Same happens if I open a category link what I created before i install MiniMu.
    After deactivating MiniMu the Blog works fine again.



    Hmm – I’m taking a look at why this would be happening and will post an updated version shortly.



    @dfarin – Just posted v0.3 of miniMU. The updates should fix the issue you noted earlier, of your archived posts not being found. Please try it out and let me know if you run into any other problems. You can find my email address on the plugin page of my website.




    Hi! I just installed v0.2 and it is telling me that v0.3 is available for automatic upgrade. I go through the process and WP says the upgrade works smoothly. However, when I go back to the plug-ins page, it still insists that v0.3 is out there waiting to be downloaded and installed.

    I checked everything and saw that the address that WP is using to grab the upgrade is:

    it should be:


    Is there a way to get this to work without having to set up a subdomain for each blog?



    @eternalskychaz – I’ve started a new topic and answered your questions there:

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