Hi Malik,
Sorry if I didn’t explain myself properly.
The following screenshot shows my latest posts on my wordpress dashboard: https://pasteboard.co/OT1tqvnye.png
As you can see the one at the top (latest post) is in a different category than the ones under it.
Here is how it looks on my website:
The post that was at the very top on my wordpress dashboard is not showing.
Only the post that are in the ‘Travel Stories’ category are showing.
And here is how it shows when I click on the blog at the very top:
As you can see I have the post and the arrows.
So until here everything is fine.
But if I click on the arrow “next” it takes me to the post “5 questions to ask yourself when deciding on a car for your road trip”:
Which is not what I want. And you can see the arrow “next” is greyed out, because there is nothing coming next, but I would want this arrow to be greyed out on this page: https://pasteboard.co/OTavp55sY.png
The reason why those post are in different categories in the first place is because I want those post to be away from each other and not easily accessible from one another.
Is it something that your plugin can do?
I hope I was clearer this time.
Thank you,