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  • Hi there,

    Did you ever manage to change the language? I have the exact same question.



    Hi, I was also searching for this and had to dig a bit.

    This is the part of code that does it

    /// Initialize this plugin. Called by 'init' hook.
    add_action('init', 'mtq_init');
    function mtq_init() {
    	load_plugin_textdomain('mtouchquiz', 'wp-content/plugins/mtouch-quiz/lang/' );
    	add_action('admin_menu', 'mtq_menu');
    	$installed_db = get_option('mtouchquiz_db_version');
    	if ( $installed_db != mtq_database_version ) {

    As you can see, it calls

    The locale is the language code and/or country code you defined in the constant WPLANG in the file wp-config.php.

    We use the WPML plugin and we made two quizzes. One for English and one for Spanish. I noticed when looking in the mTouch Quiz plugin lang folder that some of the files are not named correctly.

    For example, the “” and “mtouchquiz-es.po” files are not correctly named. Both of these files should be “” and “mtouchquiz-es_ES.po”.

    Renaming the files immediately displayed the spanish text, so that was the missing link with out problem.

    I would double check that your language files are named correctly.

    Plugin Author gmichaelguy


    The plugin will automatically load the language file that corresponds to the language you have wordpress set. So if you set the language to es_ES then you won’t have to do this. I will look at the naming issues and fix any that are incorrect. Note that I get these files from kind volunteers and I don’t really check their work and assume they did it correctly.

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