I think I found a workaround for those of you, who just want to use the ‘post-thumbnail’ function together with a working ‘multiple-gallery’:
Step 1 – Edit the multiple-galleries.php (found in the plugin directory):
Search for line 14:
wp_enqueue_script('multiple-galleries', plugins_url('multiple-galleries/multiple-galleries.js'), array('jquery', 'media-upload', 'utils', 'admin-gallery'));
Change it to:
wp_enqueue_script('multiple-galleries', plugins_url('multiple-galleries/multiple-galleries.js'));
Save the file and upload to your server.
Note: WP already loads necessary scripts – jquery, etc. is part of the media-upload-popup!
Step 2 – Edit the multiple-galleries.js (found in the plugin directory):
Search for line 23:
Change it to:
Save the file and upload to your server.
It seems that calling the addt.scripts within the wp_enqueue_script AND calling tinyMCEs getWin() function is causing the problem.
The workaround doesn’t enable the selection of images for the gallery, which are NOT attached to a post – as Kaspars mentioned: its not easy to build such a function!