• Hello,

    After I realized my pages were no longer ordered I upgraded WP to 2.9 and the plugin to 2.86. My pages will still not order on the site. They look like I want them to within the dashboard under pages > my page order. I click the button, get the “Page order updated successfully.” When I go to the site my pages in the nav are still listed in alphabetical order, not how I wanted them.

    Please advise,


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  • froman118


    Change this:

    $pages = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_name, post_title, ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type='page'");

    to this:

    $pages = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_name, post_title, ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type='page' ORDER BY menu_order ASC");

    That will get it sorted by the order you set.



    Maybe I am having a senior moment (or day), but where is this “nav” where I am supposed to insert this mod? I am having the same problem in page order and category order. I looked at all of the files in the blog using the ftp program and switched between several themes, the problem is in them all.

    I appreciate any help.



    Rick, the code I posted is specifically for aaplus’s theme. For your theme follow the regular instructions for each of the plugins:



    If you have widgets, just a matter of swapping widgets. If not, you do need to modify your theme, most likely the sidebar.php.



    Thanks for the prompt response.

    I am having a similar issue. I use DIYthemes and I have the MyPO installed. Like several before me it looks right in the “Pages” view, but it does not change the order on my screen. I went into a couple of header.php files and aded the code, but nothing changed…maybe I was not looking at the right header file.

    Could you please advise with the following:

    1 – What header.php file should I be looking at (just to be sure)?
    2 – Is this the code segment I need to add: wp_list_page(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=&exclude=143’);
    3 – Does the Thesis theme potentially cause the issue?

    Appreciate any help I can get…



    Your site is down, but double check if you are using widgets first. If you aren’t then the correct code is:


    Shouldn’t be a problem with Thesis, just have to figure out where to update your theme. That’s why widgets are nice, no trolling through php files looking for the right template tag.

    LOL…my level of technical incompetence hit a new historic high. I just got off the phone with godaddy…I not only took my sight down…they said I may have initiated with wp server down being down for 2 hours.

    My sight is back up now.

    btw – I use many widgets:
    Akismet, Archives, Calendar,Categories, Google Analytics, Google Custom Search, KillRecent Entries, LInks, Meta, My Page Order, Pages, Recent Comments, Recent Posts, RSS, Subscriptions, Tag Cloud, Text, Twitter Charts, Twitter Conversations, Who’s Online – do you think I am missing anything?

    As for finding where to make the changes in Thesis, I’m not sure where to look. Is there a source you think I should reach out to that could advise me?

    Let me know.

    I also want to sincerely thank you for your response. I very much appreciate your insight.


    I’ve never really looked at Thesis, but now I see that it uses a custom Navigation Menu. I’m assuming you’re trying to order the tabs across the top of the page? You don’t actually need my plugin, Thesis has it all built into its settings. See this post for info on editing it:


    I am also having problems with the pages and subpages still showing in Alpha order.

    I’m using the Skyye-news theme. The header page has a function

    wp_page_menu(); //page menu

    which I found in a legacy.php page with the following:

    /wp_list_pages(array('exclude' => $exclude_pages, 'title_li' => '', 'depth' => '2', 'sort_column' => 'menu_order'));

    I replaced that with


    And did not do a thing. I even commented out the code in the function and just left that code above, nothing.

    Any ideas???



    You’ll want to modify the call to wp_page_menu(), I’m guessing the legacy.php file is for older versions of WordPress.

    Try changing

    wp_page_menu(); //page menu



    I’m pretty sure wp_page_menu just calls wp_list_page and I think it will pass through all your parameters to it so hopefully it limits the depth.


    I hope you can help me. I have some common sense, but no knowledge of PHP, Coding, etc.

    I am using the theme WP-PortalTheme 2.1 by Portal Labs, LLC and the plugin My Page Order.

    However, my pages do not change order ?? Before the plugin I’ve tried to do this by the “normal” wordpress thing, where you put 1, 2 and 3 somewhere, but it didn’t work. Now this plugin doesn’t work either.

    Anybody who can help me?
    The code in the header thing (I think it is the right one) is:
    <!– BEGIN navigation –>
    <ul id=”navigation”>

    • /”>Home
    • <?php dp_list_pages(); ?>

      <!– END navigation –>

      I could be completely wrong here of course… ?? Like I said, I have 0 experience or knowledge.
      Anybody who could help me, I’d be eternally grateful!!

    Never mind. Found it!!

    For those who are interested: In the editor under theme functions (functions.php) I changed the ORDER BY from, whatever it was, to $wpdb->posts.menu_order ASC.

    And it works!! :D:D

    Hello all.

    I need some help w/ page order. Im using the Panorama Theme by Themocracy.

    I have no idea which *.php to change nor do I know which code to actually change.

    in the functions.php….there is the following: function ap_getPageMenuOrder() {

    switch (get_option(‘ap_pageMenuOrder’)){

    case (‘alpha’):
    $mo = ‘post_title’;

    case (‘pageid’):
    $mo = ‘ID’;

    $mo = ‘menu_order’;

    return $mo;

    Please help!



    Looks like the theme pulls the sort order for the horizontal menu from an option on the theme. Look in the theme’s Option page in the Admin area, there’s a Pages Menu section with a “Order by” dropdown. Set that to “Page Order” and it will use the order set by My Page Order.


    I am using a theme that I designed in Artisteer. The horizontal navigation follows alphabetical order rather than the numerical order assigned. How can I get the pages order by numerical order assignment? I tried you plugin, but that did not help, although it is an excellent improvement. New to WordPress, so I do not know much.
    My site: https://westknox.c21mvp.net

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