• Hello,

    After I realized my pages were no longer ordered I upgraded WP to 2.9 and the plugin to 2.86. My pages will still not order on the site. They look like I want them to within the dashboard under pages > my page order. I click the button, get the “Page order updated successfully.” When I go to the site my pages in the nav are still listed in alphabetical order, not how I wanted them.

    Please advise,


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  • Actually, I am now using WP 3.01.


    It looks Artisteer generates a custom template for you that doesn’t use widgets. Can you contact me through my site’s Contact form with your email address? I’ll need you to zip up your theme and email it to me. I’m not sure where the code change needs to be made, but I’ll be able to figure it out once I’m looking at it.




    Thanks- check your form mail.

    Pete Lotts

    Same here. My current Artisteer theme is my problem I think.

    I’m using 3.0 at the moment.

    I’ve used your form to contact you


    Pete, Andrew-

    Just found this…it worked – https://www.artisteer.com/?post_id=140109&p=forum_post&forum_id=13

    Thanks narfunk, I had someone else email me this morning about it, I’ll send them both that link. I looked at the theme code and thought it should have just worked.


    I’m trying to use this plugin however when I change my themes code within the sidebar it doesn’t change the order in which my pages are shown. <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>' ); ?> I believe I have the right code quoted previously, although when that’s changed it doesn’t seem to work.


    Try this:

    <?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>' ); ?>

    Without the sort_column it defaults to sorting alphabetically.

    For some reason that doesn’t work either :/ Mmmmmm

    Thanks Froman118

    Without looking at your site I can only guess you might be using widgets. In that case you’d have have to change the sort method in the widget options.

    If you’re not using widgets then there’s something else going on with your theme. Caching plugin enabled?


    I don’t believe I have the caching plugin installed, though I will go have a look.

    Sorry I’m a total newbie frontman, I really appreciate your help and again thanks very much!

    All sorted now ??

    Hey team,

    I’m having the same issues here about the Plug-in refusing to work. I’ve activated both Page widgets, I’ve tried inserting various recommended codes in the suggested php layouts – I’m not having any luck.

    I’m using the Elegant Themes – Earthly Touch template, website is https://www.carriesnaturals.com

    Any ideas, please?


    Someone emailed me a couple weeks ago about a ElegantThemes theme and getting ordering working with it. Since it is a premium theme I can’t install it and see how it sets up the page ordering. It uses some sort of custom navigation plugin. Your best bet is to ask for support on the ElegantThemes Support Forum.

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