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  • I’m also not seeing any email when I publish a new post OR update an existing one and check the “Notify Subscribers” box. I’m logged in as an admin and I also created a “subscriber” user with one of my alternate emails.

    I’m using WordPress 3.4.2 with Navayan Subscribe and am running PHP 5.3 on my server.

    The problem has existed since I installed an earlier version of Navayan Subscribe several months ago under WordPress 3.4.1. I just never got any updates and only recently realized none of my subscribers are seeing them either.

    Is there any diagnostic information I can give you that might help pinpoint the problem?

    No one receives any emails when I publish new posts…

    Plugin Author Amol Nirmala Waman


    All, please install new version 1.1.8. Rate it if you like. Mark this topic as ‘resolved’ if this solves your problem.



    Amol, this still does not work. When a new viewer chooses to subscribe to the blog I (admin) do not receive an email nor does the subscriber.

    please help

    I just installes the plugin an do have the same issues.
    Testes several other subscribe plugins and want to stay with Navayan.
    I just saw in the “About” under the plugin tab, that new subscribers din’t get a role. Role of new subscribers is set to “none”.
    Could this be the problem? Under the WordPress settings for new registrants the role is set to “Subscriber”, but that doesn’t seem to be the rule for the plugin.
    How can I get this problem fixed?

    as I wrote above, the ne subscriber doesn’t get the role “Subscriber” but the role is set to “none”. THAT#s the problem.
    I manually changed the role of one of the subscribers to “subscriber”. Now this subscriber gets automatically the new posts via mail as it should be.
    How can I get this fixed to set the role of new users to “subscriber” automatically?
    And what has to be done that I see the pending users also in the “about”tag of the plugin?

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