There’s not a lot of documentation, but I managed to get it up and running on one of our client’s sites, still in production.
This may seem obvious, but the first thing you want to do is make sure that all the images are the same size. ??
1. Create an album. I named mine banners.
2. Upload your banner images to the album. I named mine banner01.jpg, banner02.jpg and so forth.
3. I couldn’t get the script to generate via the NG Gallery dashboard so I just plopped the code into header.php. You can see what needs to be changed in the code sample below. But notice that there is a banner already declared there? That is the “default” banner .. in case the viewer doesn’t have flash installed on his/her browser. ??
<div id="masthead">
<div class="ngg-widget-slideshow" id="ngg_widget_slideshow1"><img src="" /> </div>
<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
var sbsl = new SWFObject("", "ngg_slideshow1", "879", "258", "7", "#000000");
sbsl.addParam("wmode", "opaque");
sbsl.addVariable("file", "");
sbsl.addVariable("linkfromdisplay", "false");
sbsl.addVariable("shownavigation", "false");
sbsl.addVariable("showicons", "true");
sbsl.addVariable("overstretch", "true");
sbsl.addVariable("backcolor", "0x000000");
sbsl.addVariable("frontcolor", "0xFFFFFF");
sbsl.addVariable("lightcolor", "0xCC0000");
sbsl.addVariable("screencolor", "0x000000");
sbsl.addVariable("rotatetime", "10");
sbsl.addVariable("transition", "random");
sbsl.addVariable("width", "879");
sbsl.addVariable("height", "258");
</div><!-- end MASTHEAD -->
4. My masthead style looks like this:
#masthead {
height: 258px;
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
width: 879px;
You’ll just need to swap out your image heighth and width for what I have there.
That should be all you need! If you need more help, contact me offlist (check my profile for contact details).