@ideric – no problem! hope it helped you!
@mysterythetiger – don’t give up! It’s a great plugin! I’m a total newbie, never touched WordPress until last Thursday. Once you figure out how to do this it’ll be worth. What confused me was that the developer calls what most people consider ‘galleries’ ALBUMS and ‘albums’ GALLERIES. Keep that in mind. The ALBUM will house GALLERIES and the galleries contain the photos.
To create an ALBUM that contains multiple ALBUMS that each contain GALLERIES that each contain images – I’ll try to break it down as best as I can:
Step 1: Create an ALBUM to house all of your other ALBUMS. Let’s call the album: Photo Galleries. Go to Manage Albums and click Add New Album to do this. If this is the first album you’ve created, your album ID is 1.
Step 2: Create a new WordPress page to will display this album, Photo Galleries. I called the page “Photo Galleries”
Step 3: In the HTML editor for this page enter [album=#,compact] OR [album=#,extended], depending on which sort of view you want. (If you’re unsure see: https://nextgen.boelinger.com/album/). Replace # with the number that corresponds to your album ID. In this case: [album=1,compact]
Step 4: Make two more album pages (or however many you want, you shouldn’t need many). These new albums pages will be the sub-pages (child pages) for your main album. Let’s call them: “Concert Photos” and another album “Celebrity Photos”. Make sure you make the Parent Page for each new album: Photo Galleries.
Step 5: Once you have created this Photo Galleries page and albums and child albums, it’s time to create some GALLERIES and put some Galleries into the two child Albums you created. To do this, go back to the NextGEN administration menu and click on “Add Gallery.” Let’s do two…Create names for the galleries: “The Fighter Premiere” and “Foo Fighters”. Click add new gallery in NextGen. Name the first one The Fighter Premiere. Upload your images and choose The Fighter Premiere from the dropdown menu.
When your images upload, go into Manage Gallery and click to get to The Fighter Premiere album. Give it a Title and Description. Now create a new page for this album. For the “Create New Page” dropdown select the name of your Album page that you created earlier – I want this to go into “Celebrity Photos” – and click on “Add page.” This will automatically create a child page under your Album page containing this gallery. Make sure you click to save changes. Once you click “Add page,” the “Page Link to” field will automatically update. Also select a “Preview image” which will be your gallery cover. Click to save changes after everything you do.
Step 6: Last thing is to make this new gallery “The Fighter Premiere” you just created show up on your Album page “Celebrity Photos” which is on your Photo Galleries page.
In NextGen admin area, click “Album” and select your album (Celebrity Photos) from the dropdown. Then drag and drop your gallery (The Fighter Premiere) from the right into the album on the left. Click “Update”. Now this gallery will show up in your Album “Celebrity Photos”.
Repeat these steps to add more galleries into the same album. Or add more galleries into a different album. To do that: create a gallery to go into another album. (Foo Fighters to go into Concert Photos album). For the “Create New Page” dropdown select the name of your other Album page that you created earlier – “Concert Photos” – and click on “Add page.” This will automatically create a child page under your Album page containing this gallery.
Visit your page: Photo Galleries – and everything should work like my gallery does. Go to my site and under Photo Galleries in main nav you get to the page of Albums:
Click the first album: Celebrities: Sets Sightings, Premieres
This brings you to another page that contains two albums, one if The Fighter Premiere
Click that and it brings you to the page for that album.
Hope this helps!