• I just installed the nextgen gallery plugin and was trying to get started, but the first step, adding a gallery, already doesn’t work and gives me the following error:

    The server setting Safe-Mode is on !
    If you have problems, please create directory wp-content/gallery/test and the thumbnails directory wp-content/gallery/test/thumbs with permission 777 manually !

    Unable to create directory wp-content/gallery/test!
    Directory wp-content/gallery/test is not writeable !
    Unable to create directory wp-content/gallery/test/thumbs !

    I’ve tried everything, but nothing works! I need help and suggestions!


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  • You’re not the only one to have this problem. There’s already a post going on this topic but no solution so far.

    If you have a very resricted Safe mode, you must create all folder manually, there is no other way

    Alex, when I create the folders manually, they won’t show up in the administration panel. Did you experience a problem like this with your safe-mode server? I chmod the folders 777, that’s why I’m a little confused here. Thanks for your help.

    No, I create the folder always via FTP and then it works (under safe mode)

    My apologies Alex. I was didn’t create the gallery in the administration panel once I created the folders manually. It’s working smoothly and I’m happy to use your Plugin.

    Thanks for everything!

    Save this as chmod.php, and put it at your ftp folder

    $filename = “gallery”;
    chmod(“/customers/domain.com/domain.com/httpd.www/wordpress/wp-content/$filename”, 0777);
    echo “chmod for $filename was changed”;

    Run chmod.php in your browser. If you get this message, it works :O)

    chmod for gallery was changed


    PS: /customers/domain.com/domain.com/httpd.www/wordpress/wp-content/ = your root to your folder

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