• blah


    I can’t upload pictures through the WordPress admin. When I upload an image, the bar goes to 100% and says “0 picture(s) successfully added”.

    I’ve made sure the ‘gallery’ folder is chmod 777.

    What could be the problem?

    I’m currently uploading directly to the FTP and “scanning for the images” through the admin cp.

    Plz help!

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  • Try adding the following to your .htaccess file

    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    Hope this helps,


    Thread Starter blah



    I tried that and it gave me an “Internal Server Error” so I undid it.

    Do you have any other suggestions?

    – John

    I’m getting the same error. Anyone made any progress with this?

    My .htaccess in my root directory already says

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    <Files async-upload.php>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off



    I had to restore my database and site folder completely, deactivate all plugins and then reactive one by one. It fixed my not being able to move widgets or add photo problem. Took 4 days to resolve.

    I get a similar problem after update Nextgen to 1.3.3 on WP 2.7.1 I tried deactivate the flash utility, and could upload the images, but one by one.


    I gave up on this part of the gallery and just uploaded the pix myself. I even have to create a directory or two sometimes. Not too happy with the limitations on the upload. However, when you upload the pix manually everything else works fine.

    Disabling the flash uploader works for me.

    It was a file permission issue for me.
    I set the responsible folders to 777 and all worked fine
    however this shouldnt be a permenent solution …

    i just found out that it seems to be more of a file ownership issue than a permission one.
    For me setting the ownership of the gallery folder in wp-content to
    with the “chown command” via SSH
    worked fine.
    might be different on other servers though.

    I had a similar problem, being able to upload some pics but not others.
    The flash based upload did not give me any hints at all, but when disabled I got an error message aying that the file size of the selected image exceeded upload size in php.ini.

    Upload failed! The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini

    I edited this in /etc/php.ini to 10M and restarted the webserver.

    Now I can upload all images I like, but opted to resize all pics to 1024×768 before uploading anyways, so that the load on a download of the pic will not be overly large.


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