• Is there a list of the NextGEN code that is used to insert images and galleries into your posts and pages?

    I know there are many tags that can be added to this to specify other aspects of the way the images are presented. I have looked all through this site, the author’s personal site, and searched the Internet, but I can’t find a list of all the NextGEN codes anywhere.

    All I could find was these few in the ReadMe file that came with the plugin:

    For a slideshow : **[slideshow id=x w=width h=height]**
    For a album : **[album id=x template=extend]** or **[album id=x template=compact]**
    For a gallery : **[nggallery id=x]**
    For a single picture : **[singlepic id=x w=width h=height mode=web20|watermark float=left|right]**
    For a image browser : **[imagebrowser id=x]**
    To show image sorted by tags : **[nggtags gallery=mytag,wordpress,… ]**
    To show tag albums : **[nggtags album=mytag,wordpress,… ]**

    Can someone please point me to the list?


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  • Thread Starter Dave333



    This page may be helpful:

    It shows how to create custom gallery settings using “custom fields”. I just came across it myself!


    Thread Starter Dave333


    Thanks Laura,

    I was more after a comprehensive list of all the nextgen operational codes that can be used.

    I am surprised that such fundamental information is so hard to find. Such a list of codes should be on the author’s website and also in the ReadMe file that comes with the plugin.

    There are no more shortcodes, then those you have listed. Look into lib/shortcodes.php

    Thread Starter Dave333


    Hi Alex, thanks for your comment.

    I’ve seen other tags in use and being suggest on this forum. You directed me to the shortcodes.php file. There are quite a few in there that are not in the list above. These include: [tagcloud], [random], [thumb], [recent], and more. Lower down on the same page I found this in the comments:

    [singlepic id=”10″]This is an additional caption[/singlepic]

    I was not aware of that use of the [singlepic] shortcode. From time to time I see other tidbits of different ways each shortcode can be used. Ideally, all of the the shortcodes and thier different uses would be listed all in one place, preferably the ReadMe.txt.

    Hi Alex and/or Dave333,

    What’s the proper code for showing the most recent 100 photos uploaded to any gallery? I’ve been looking and can’t seem to find that. Just want a page that shows a grid of 100 most recent photos, irrespective of gallery or album.

    Also agree it would be extremely helpful to have all possible codes listed somewhere in the readme or plugin page.

    Thanks for a great plugin, Alex.

    Thread Starter Dave333


    I think Alex might think that us WordPress users are all programmers and should instinctively know all the short codes. It’s a shame that Alex has put so much effort into creating the plugin but general users are unable to use it due to the instructions lacking details.

    I find this is very common with plugin creators. I even saw one once that said nothing more than: “pretty simple to figure out”.

    It’s a lot like building a luxurious mansion but not including a front door to allow people inside and expecting them to know that there is an open window around the back that you can crawl through to gain access.

    Sorry Dave..

    Indeed I need to update my docs, but that’s my own main problem… I hate to document my code. I know that that is this a big fault, if i get some more time I will update everything. Sorry again…


    @emilychang: To show a grid of 100 most recent as you say, you’d want to use this shortcode:

    [recent max=”100″](you can also specify which galleries by adding id=”3,12]

    You can do the exact same with a random photo:

    [random max=”100″]

    Whoops, make sure you put closing quotes as I didn’t on id”3,12

    for an indepentent site from nextGEn do i need to add the following:

          width="470" height="160" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"

    in my site’s home page. i thought i did and the space for a slideshow shows up. i want the slideshow in the post. am i only supposed to add:

    For a slideshow : **[slideshow id=x w=width h=height

    in the post? i’m a newbie to php and wp and nextGEn. i hope you’ll read and reply. i’m going crazy over this problem.

    I want to have 3 slideshows side-by-side. I have 3 galleries set up. When I use the following code side-by-side the slideshows appear in a vertically one on top of the other:
    [slideshow id=1][slideshow id=2][slideshow id=3]

    Anyone have any ideas? Also how do I set the width and height for 3 slideshows like this?

    Thanks for the help.

    I’d also like to know the answer to bji’s Q.

    I assumed i’d need to use album so i put my galleries into an album and used [album id=x template=extend] but this just displays a thumbnail for each gallery

    I’d like to have the option to display all images in all galleries without a break.

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