Hi again,
After checking with the maker of the theme he found that a p tag isnt closing where it should and that is whats makes the pics on the page appear so far down… but this code is auto generated by wordpress so how can I fix it? All help is welcome lads ??
Code sample belove with the tags not closed, you can see the theme makers comments where it should close…
<div class="post" id="post-8">
<h2>Akvarell</h2><br />
<p>Klicka p? bilden f?r f?rstoring. <--- YOU NEED TO PUT </p> HERE !!!!!!
<div class="ngg-galleryoverview" id="ngg-gallery-3-8">
<!-- Thumbnails -->
<div id="ngg-image-23" class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box" >
<div class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail" >
<a href="https://sultansblogg.se/johanna/wp-content/gallery/akvarell/eld.JPG" title=" " class="thickbox" rel="set_3" >
<img title="eld" alt="eld" src="https://sultansblogg.se/johanna/wp-content/gallery/akvarell/thumbs/thumbs_eld.JPG" width="125" height="100" />
<div id="ngg-image-30" class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box" >
<div class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail" >
<a href="https://sultansblogg.se/johanna/wp-content/gallery/akvarell/alva.JPG" title=" " class="thickbox" rel="set_3" >
<img title="alva" alt="alva" src="https://sultansblogg.se/johanna/wp-content/gallery/akvarell/thumbs/thumbs_alva.JPG" width="125" height="100" />
<div id="ngg-image-31" class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box" >
<div class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail" >
<a href="https://sultansblogg.se/johanna/wp-content/gallery/akvarell/hostalva.JPG" title=" " class="thickbox" rel="set_3" >
<img title="hostalva" alt="hostalva" src="https://sultansblogg.se/johanna/wp-content/gallery/akvarell/thumbs/thumbs_hostalva.JPG" width="125" height="100" />
<div id="ngg-image-32" class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box" >
<div class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail" >
<a href="https://sultansblogg.se/johanna/wp-content/gallery/akvarell/isalva.JPG" title=" " class="thickbox" rel="set_3" >
<img title="isalva" alt="isalva" src="https://sultansblogg.se/johanna/wp-content/gallery/akvarell/thumbs/thumbs_isalva.JPG" width="125" height="100" />
<!-- Pagination -->
<div class='ngg-clear'></div>
</p> <---- THIS SHOULD NOT BE HERE !!!!!
<!-- You can start editing here. -->
Ps. Have updated wordpress to 2.9.2
And sorry for the title, thought it was a plugin error but not no more. Did not want to create a new post so I’ll try one more time in this and see what you lads can come up with