• f4n4n


    since I updated to wp 2.7.1 and 1.1.0 My gallery layout is not working any more (the pictures apear as a kind of list, one per line and not several pictures as it used to be. The thumbnails don’t have the boxes around them anymore and I also can not create any thumbnails using either the upload script or the “create new thumbnails” function. Though I can still upload pictures and use most of the features of NGG

    Server Settings
        * Operating System : Linux
        * Server : Apache
        * Memory usage : 12.31 MByte
        * MYSQL Version : 5.0.32-Debian_7etch6
        * SQL Mode : Not set
        * PHP Version : 5.2.8-0.dotdeb.1
        * PHP Safe Mode : Off
        * PHP Allow URL fopen : On
        * PHP Memory Limit : 32M
        * PHP Max Upload Size : 2M
        * PHP Max Post Size : 8M
        * PHP Max Script Execute Time : 30s
        * PHP Exif support : Yes ( V1.4 )
        * PHP IPTC support : Yes
        * PHP XML support : Yes

    Any help?

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