Hi jenncash,
Thanks for downloading NextGEN Gallery Optimizer Premium!
I’ve taken a look through your site (thanks for the link) and have been testing the Pagelines framework on my development server…which is working for me without any problems.
From your site’s source code, I can see that Optimizer is indeed activated and is removing NextGEN’s scripts and styles as it should. However, for some reason it isn’t detecting your gallery and singlepic shortcodes and loading the appropriate scripts and styles.
Is it possible that you’ve deactivated the “PostLoop” option at either Pagelines –> Templates, or through the options on the post editing screen?
Optimizer can only detect actual shortcodes inserted in the post editor such as [nggallery id=x], so if you’ve hard-coded direct calls to NextGEN functions in your template (eg. <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[nggallery id=x]’); ?>), Optimizer won’t be able to intercept these and fire off the appropriate scripts and styles…including the stylesheet to display your thumbnails horizontally, or those required for Fancybox to function.
Potential fixes:
1. If this is indeed the problem, you could reactivate “PostLoop” and use the post editor for your posts and shortcodes.
2. If that’s not possible/desirable, I’ve just discovered that even when the “PostLoop” option is turned off, WordPress DOES still process the loop! So, if you insert the corresponding shortcode in the post editor of each post, that will trigger the scripts, and the galleries themselves will still display according to their current placement in your template.
Hope this helps!
PS. Just a heads-up also, I’m running in debug mode and Pagelines is pulling errors in relation to deprecated theme functions phased out as of WordPress 3.4. Even if that’s not the problem here, it would be worth keeping an eye out for an update if you haven’t done so already.