• I’m trying to develop a website for my photography portfolio; I focus on bands and concerts, so I’ve got a lot of nesting going on.

    Essentially, I have roughly 4 or 5 types of photos and/or galleries:

    1. Bands (self-explanatory)
    2. Events (“Band A at XYZ Night” or whathave you)
    3. Sub-events (“Band B at XYZ Night vol 3”, “Band C at LMN Night vol 7”, that sort of thing)
    4. Venues (which could hold any number of events or sub-events)
    5. Tearsheets (which I’d prefer to be tagged/catagorized/what have you by both band and name of publication.)

    I’d like some sort of visible breadcrumb system with the ability to hop between galleries and/or albums without much difficulty.

    So how can I accomplish the following:

    1. Start at the Band page, which would probably be an Album that lists a bunch of other Albums.

    2. Click on Band A’s album and go to their main entry.

    3. See a bunch of gallery thumbnails: “Band A at XYZ vol. 3”, “Band A at XYZ vol. 7”, “Band A at XYZ vol. 10.”, “Band A at QRS vol. 1”, and so on.

    4. Click on “Band A at XYZ vol. 3.” Pretty slideshow.

    5. Be able to somehow go from this gallery to the “XYZ vol. 3” entry, which would not only have the gallery noted in Step 4, but also Bands B and C who were the opening acts.

    6. See that XYZ vol. 3 was at Venue F, go to Venue F’s main entry, go to RST vol. 5, then Band D’s entry. See that there’s a link to a tearsheet called “Band D on the cover of WTF Magazine.”

    7. Go to the entry for Magazine WTF’s cover. Look at that, Band D is on a magazine cover! Good for them.

    8. Go to Magazine WTF’s main entry, and see a listing of all the other entries there are for them.

    9. etc, etc, etc. I think you get the idea.

    Now, I know that something like this COULD be done (somewhat eloquently I might add) with posts using catagories and tagging, and WordPress will make it look all pretty. But NextGEN Gallery uses pages, and thus I can’t use tags or categories.

    What I appear to be able to do is the following:

    1. Make albums
    2. Put albums in other albums to my heart’s content.
    3. Make galleries
    4. Put one gallery in as many albums as I want.
    5. Create pages attached to a certain gallery or album.

    Now, I feel like I’m 80% of the way towards figuring out how to organize albums and galleries to make this happen. But I sure could use the following advice:

    1. Someone else telling me how I should organize albums and galleries, because at this point even if I figured it out I’m not sure I would trust myself.

    2. Figuring out how to add some sort of navigation to make it all work. For example, at the bottom of a gallery, “This gallery is also located in the following albums” or some other similar type of breadcrumb.

    My apologies and thanks to anyone who’s made it to the end of this post! And even more thanks to anyone who helps me out.

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