I changed the plugin shortcode to the following (you may change it to the way you desire of course):
[netsposts days='25' taxonomy='Podcast'? show_author='false' thumbnail='false' size='90,90' image_class='aligncenter' excerpt_letters_length='1000' auto_excerpt='true' show_author='false' order_post_by='date_order desc' paginate='true' list='5' include_link_title='true' columns='2' strip_excerpt_tags='false']
Now you can see the first iframe is showing again. The reason why they stopped showing is because of the new security features web browsers have. The iframe url’s are not encrypted. That is they are https:// not https:// so you can see in the first iframe on the page I changed the url to https and now it’s showing.
If you only want the podcast iframe to show I highly recommend taking advantage of the manual excerpt fields. That way you may show exactly what you want.
This is the page I changed the iframe to https: https://apologeticscanada.com/2020/08/13/parenting-in-a-technological-age-part-2/
Here is the iframe code I changed through beaver builder:
<iframe src="https://player.blubrry.com?media_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.blubrry.com%2Fapologeticscanada%2Fcontent.blubrry.com%2Fapologeticscanada%2FAC_Podcast_299_Final.mp3" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="138px" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Notice how the source is now https?
If you change auto_excerpt=’true’ to auto_excerpt=’false’ then you will only see the iframe and it looks clean.
I have excerpt_letters_length='1050'
so they iframe will show.
I added another shortcode below this one so you may see the difference between auto_excerpt and manual excerpt on the Andy Steiger home page.