• Hi all,

    In my case initial errors in configuration were solved by enabling “php_curl” extension in my server.

    After the plugin didn’t import FB events. In my case I had to change this code in lines 125 and 127 of sync-facebook-events.php file

    $offsetStart =($event['start_time'])+$offset;
    $offsetEnd = $event['end_time']+$offset;


    $offsetStart =strtotime($event['start_time'])+$offset;
    $offsetEnd = strtotime($event['end_time'])+$offset;

    What a great plugin!!!! I love it

    Hope it helps ??


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  • Nice try but tried this and still doesn’t work. Says it’s done but no FB events appear.

    It has been working great for me until a couple of days ago. Suddenly it quit syncing. I don’t know how to write php, so I just deleted and reinstalled both this plug in, and the events plug in it works with. No dice. I hope someone can help.

    @tharkos: Thank you!! That was the last missing puzzle. As of 10.03.2014 the plugin works.

    As a reference for others:

    First hiccup was understanding that Facebook Page UID needs to be a number you find out by adding graph instead of “www” in front of facebook.com. It looks like this “id”: “130821973783” for the Facebook page https://graph.facebook.com/gwup.org?fref=ts

    The second was changing to the strtotime code posted here. My starttimes from facebook looks like this. [start_time] => 2014-05-29T14:00:00+0200 … I bet thats why we need the string to time conversion.

    $args[‘Organizer’][‘Organizer’] = $event[‘host’];
    to about line 145 to have the host added to the post.

    @managementboy, you sir, are a f@cking knight in shining armor. I got this up & running in 1.5hrs, and most of that was manual app installations via ftp & fb app setup.

    Just wanted to give you a MONUMENTAL THANK YOU.


    In my case i modify:

    After the plugin didn’t import FB events. In my case I had to change this code in lines 125 and 127 of sync-facebook-events.php file

    $offsetStart =($event['start_time'])+$offset;
    $offsetEnd = $event['end_time']+$offset;


    $offsetStart =strtotime($event['start_time'])+$offset;
    $offsetEnd = strtotime($event['end_time'])+$offset;

    and add line:

    $args['Organizer']['Organizer'] = $event['host'];

    to about line 145 to have the host added to the post.

    Work like a charm, 5 min of job. Thank you

    Thanks !
    Someone give this men some beers!

    thanks to @tharkos–this solution worked perfectly for me; I was having the same problem. Thanks!!

    Thx to tharkos ??
    You noticed that this plugin inserts or updates the WP calendar from FB events but not deletes FB events that have been cancelled. With this code in the sync-facebook-events.php file (line 110), the sync is really effective :

    foreach($query->posts as $post) {
    	if(!empty($post->to_ping)) {
    		$segments = fbes_segments($post->to_ping);
    		$eid = array_pop($segments);
    		$eids[$eid] = $post->ID;
    		foreach($events as $event) {
    			if ($eid==$event['eid']){
    		if (!$exist){
    			if (tribe_delete_event($eids[$eid])){
    				echo "<br />Deleting: ".$eids[$eid];

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