• Resolved monkeytreecreative


    Hi there,

    Currently trying to filter Custom Post Type (Brokerage) “posts” via a selection of custom taxonomies and ACF fields. The page that the filter is added is archive-brokerage.php.

    Have added the filter via a Widget but whenever I actually use the filter, nothing happens. Below is where I have added the Widget:

    <div class="hero-spec-flex brokerage">
    <?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'filter-widget' ) ) : ?>
    <div id="primary-sidebar" class="primary-sidebar widget-area" role="complementary">
    <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'filter-widget' ); ?>
    </div><!-- #primary-sidebar -->

    and below is where I have my posts:

    <?php if( $query->have_posts() ) : while( $query->have_posts() ): $query->the_post();
    get_template_part( 'includes/brokerage-archive', get_post_format() );
    endwhile; wp_reset_postdata(); endif;?>

    Any ideas why nothing is happening?

    Many thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Author stepasyuk


    Hello @monkeytreecreative

    Thank you for your interest in Filter Everything.

    Let me please know what is original page, where you implement this code? Free version of the plugin can filter only on native WP archive pages. If you use any single page where you included this code it will not work for you.

    Also you have to see debug message instead of Filters widget if you did something wrong. What is this message?

    Thread Starter monkeytreecreative


    Thanks for your swift response.

    The code is implemented on archive-brokerage.php, which is the archive page for the Custom Post Type “Brokerage”.

    And, sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by the “debug message instead of Filters widget”. I don’t see any errors or messaged coming up on console.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter monkeytreecreative


    Something is clearly working because when I use the filter, a line of code is accurately depicting the number of posts that should be shown (for example):

    <span class="wpc-filters-found-posts">3</span>

    However, all posts are still showing.

    I presume I just haven’t put the “have posts” statement in the wrong place?

    Plugin Author stepasyuk


    It seems you tried to filter custom WP Query instead of native (Main WP_Query).
    This can be done with PRO version of the plugin only.

    Or try to use such code:

    <?php if( have_posts() ) : while( have_posts() ): the_post();
    get_template_part( 'includes/brokerage-archive', get_post_format() );
    endwhile; endif;?>
    Thread Starter monkeytreecreative


    Ahaha! That’s done the trick!

    Brilliant. Thanks for your help and superb support!


    Plugin Author stepasyuk



    I’m glad that it works for you ??

    I would be thankful for a review about the plugin here on www.ads-software.com – https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/filter-everything/reviews/

    Thank you in advance.

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