• Resolved ppserver


    i really want to have ajax comments posting in my site but this nice plugin not work on my theme!
    address: my site is on my localhost for now (not uploaded yet)
    my theme: FPRESS
    and this is my error report in google chrome console:

    GET https://localhost/site/plugins/wp-ajaxify-comments/wp-ajaxify-comments.js?ver=0.6.1 404 (Not Found) localhost:38
    GET https://localhost/site/plugins/wp-ajaxify-comments/jquery.blockUI.js?ver=0.6.1 404 (Not Found)

    can u help me please?


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  • janjonas



    I think something in the installation process went wrong. Please check, if the JavaScript files plugins/wp-ajaxify-comments/wp-ajaxify-comments.js and plugins/wp-ajaxify-comments/jquery.blockUI.js exist on the web server. Both files are part of the plugin.
    If you use the WordPress plugin installation frontend everything should work out of the box.

    Hope this helps …

    Thread Starter ppserver


    i checked web server files and yes they are both exist on my plugins folder! it seems plugin installed successfully
    for your notice i have facebook comments system on my site too. i mean i use both WP and FB comments system
    so what can i do now?

    Thread Starter ppserver


    full console error:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://localhost/site/plugins/wp-ajaxify-comments/jquery.blockUI.js?ver=0.6.1
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://localhost/site/plugins/wp-ajaxify-comments/wp-ajaxify-comments.js?ver=0.6.1
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=tahoma
    2FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init(). all.js:52
    4Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'commentsbox_count' of undefined all.js:43
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://localhost/wp-content/themes/persian/lib/core/images/pattern/pattern.noise.png
    4 tags failed to render in 30000 ms all.js:52


    Please try to open/download the two files:


    If this fails I would assume, that your web server is not configured properly (maybe some rewrite rules that blocks the js files?!). Another reason could be a WordPress caching plugin.

    Hope this helps…

    Thread Starter ppserver


    i tried to open files but system show me: “404 error page”
    are you tested plugin on local host?
    i’m using easy-PHP 12.1 on my localhost
    but im using “wordpress better security” plugin too. plugin rewrite .htaccess file for more security and i cant disable or remove the plugin because of my security rules
    so there is no way to use this plugin?
    can i use some costume codes or exception on .htaccess file?

    Thread Starter ppserver


    big Q:
    there are some other plugins use jquery or js files. why they are working right? if my security rule is problem but how the other same plugins working good?!!
    maybe we can put some costume address or change some codes in plugin?

    Thread Starter ppserver


    problem solved!
    i’ve solved the problem by copy two “.js” files into another directory and yes the ajax comments working as well but now i have another problem?

    when i post new comment the system submit my comment but this time break comments page into 2 parts. i dont mean post twice but show two same part in one page with two submit form until i refresh the page!

    this is my screen shots for more information:



    after a refresh every thing is ok
    so what can i do now bro?

    Thread Starter ppserver


    google chrome console report:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=tahoma
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Initializing version 0.6.1 wp-ajaxify-comments.js:68
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Found jQuery version '1.7.2' wp-ajaxify-comments.js:68
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Found jQuery blockUI version '2.42' wp-ajaxify-comments.js:68
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Search comment form (selector: '#commentform')... Found:
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Search comments container (selector: '#comments')... Found:
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Search respond container (selector: '#respond')... Found:
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Initialization completed wp-ajaxify-comments.js:68
    2FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init(). all.js:52
    4Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'commentsbox_count' of undefined all.js:43
    4 tags failed to render in 30000 ms all.js:52
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'textContent' of null chrome-extension://dhkplhfnhceodhffomolpfigojocbpcb/cs.js:239
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Comment has been posted wp-ajaxify-comments.js:68
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Found comment URL 'https://localhost/2012/11/03/233/#comment-40' in X-WPAC-URL header. wp-ajaxify-comments.js:68
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Found unapproved state '0' in X-WPAC-UNAPPROVED wp-ajaxify-comments.js:68
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Anchor '#comment-40' extracted from comment URL 'https://localhost/2012/11/03/233/#comment-40' wp-ajaxify-comments.js:68
    [WP-Ajaxify-Comments] Scroll to anchor element
    [<article>, context: #document, selector: "#comment-40"]
    Thread Starter ppserver



    i’ve changed Selectors to this:

    Comment form selector: #commentform
    Comments container selector: #comment
    Respond container selector: #RespondToPost

    now top problem solved but there is another new problem!
    when i post new comment its working good and give me accept message without break page but new comment not show until i refresh the page

    so this is another new step
    have you any suggestion?




    thanks for your comments.

    Regarding the “wordpress better security” problems: Could you please check, if you can download the following URLs:
    Maybe the security plugin is blocking the files when the URLs contain a query string (like “?ver=0.6.1”).

    Regarding you new problem: I think the selectors are not configured properly for your theme. Is your site public available?


    Thread Starter ppserver


    its local now. i will upload it as soon on my hosting server
    do you want send my comments.php page for you?




    have you tried downloading the JavaScript files without the query string as suggested in my previous post? I think this issue is cause by your server/WordPress setup and not by the comments.php.

    To fix the selectors, I need to access your site.


    Thread Starter ppserver


    ok i’ll upload my hole website on my new servers first and then try to install plugin again. if problem not solve, i will contact you for access to my site.
    best regards

    Thread Starter ppserver


    Hi jan,
    after uploaded my site on web server from local, i installed plugin again and worked so good but i found new problem!
    when i try to post new comment every thing is ok but when new comment appears my users avatars (commenters) not showing anymore and i see a blank avatar pics until i refresh my page.

    so do you have any suggestion or you want to test yourself?

    Sorry for my delayed reply. Does the problem still exists? Could you send me a link to reproduce it?

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