It IS a great plugin!
I had quite a bit of trial and error before I got it right. So if the before is not fixing your problem, double check the content of the csv file.
I myself have the following order for the content:
Time, date, meeting name, location (just the name), Address (of the location, all in one piece of text),region (=city/town), Location notes, group name, District, Group Notes, Meeting Types (what is in the tick boxes when you view the meeting in WordPress)
I draw the meeting details from a separate database that I use for other purposes as well. In my program, the group and meeting name are the same. But it took me awhile to understand that, in order for the district to show as a column header, I needed to repeat the name. Apparently, in AA (where the plug-in was born), it happens often that a group organises multiple meetings and that the meetings have their own names. That is what I refer to as the ‘meeting name’.
I also had some trouble with the linking of the pages because I created my new website from a staging site with a different address. So the link thing could certainly be at play here. There is a plugin that can help out with that: it can replace text strings on your website. So if you know that you have an old link that may cause your issues, you can look for that link, literally, and replace it with the correct one. A lot of providers will help you do this, provided you have paid support.
I hope it helps and that you work it out because this plugin makes our lives as web coordinators so much easier!