• Hi there,

    since the last update of WordPress I have constant problems on a customer’s site.
    Sometimes the products are mixed (with geolocation), that some can be purchased even though they are restricted and some of them should be restricted but are not.

    I have emptied all caches several times and switched geolocation off, still the options remain for the restricted country, even though from my location nothing should be restricted.

    With geolocation turned off, I should be able to place the item in the cart and once I put in the address it should be removed, but that is not happening, I can’t even place it in the cart.

    In addition, when debugging is turned on, the drop-down list for the countries can’t be clicked, it disappears once I move away from the button.

    I see from other posts, that you can’t recreate these problems but something hasn’t been working right since the last major update.

    I really don’t want to have to write a custom solution, as your plugin used to work good enough. Geolocation is not working. My customer can’t buy the products even though he is from the only allowed country, when testing the shop.

    I will gladly share the link to the site, if you can provide an e-mail address.

    Help would be very much appreciated.

    Best regards

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  • Thread Starter Julian


    Do you provide a filter for the “removed from cart” message for the country restrictions?

    I found the filter but can’t get it to work.

    add_filter('cbr_cart_item_removed_message', function($message, $product){
        $message = sprintf( '%s was removed...', $product->get_name() );
        return $message;

    What’s the proper way to use it?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Julian.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Julian.
    Plugin Author Zorem


    Hi @juliangk,

    Please update the code and check it again.

    add_filter('cbr_cart_item_removed_message', 'cbr_cart_item_removed_message', 10, 2);
    function cbr_cart_item_removed_message($message, $product) {
        $message = sprintf( '%s was removed...', $product->get_name() );
        return $message;

    Thanks ??

    Hi, I have the same issue since the last update customers are getting a message they can’t purchase even though they’re in the correct country that’s not geo-restricted will there be a plugin update to fix the errors?


    Thread Starter Julian


    Thank you for the code correction.

    However, the problem is still not solved. Your plugin has great problems with caches. I use a Raidboxes site which has it’s own cache and there are constant problems with the plugin, even when geolocation is turned off, it just doesn’t work sometimes until I clear the cache.

    This is problematic as customers can ake puchases even though they are not allowed.

    When I am logged in it works, when I am not it doesn’t work.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Julian.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Julian.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Julian.
    Plugin Author Zorem


    Hi @juliangk,
    You need to exclude product listing, single product, and category page from the cache.
    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter Julian


    I excluded the products form the cache, but still the plugin only works in a private window. In my regular browser, I can add restricted products (geolocation is turned off) to the cart.

    Plugin Author Zorem


    Hi @juliangk,
    Can you share screenshots of the product restriction and general settings of the CBR plugin from your store?
    Thanks ??

    Hi @zorem,

    I’m encountering the same problem as @kewinmd.

    Products that are normally available in the country I want are no longer available for purchase. I saw that Woocommerce had been updated very recently. Could this be a side effect?

    Plugin Author Zorem


    HI @kenningar @kewinmd,
    Can you share screenshots of the product restriction and general settings of the CBR plugin from your store?
    Thanks ??

    same problem for me. The plugin is not working correctly anymore.
    Too bad.
    Are you updating soon?

    Plugin Author Zorem


    Hi @psychic9,
    Can you share screenshots of the product restriction and general settings of the CBR plugin from your store?
    Thanks ??

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