• Ale



    I am using WordPress 4.0 with theme Twenty Thirteen 1.3, Contact Form 7 4.0.1 and Contact Form DB 2.8.16. MySQL is 5.5.40-36.1 and PHP is 5.2.17.

    CFDB is not working at all. CF7 is working properly, as I receive e-mails from the form correctly. Another piece of data is that I have not modified any of the plugins, they are “as is”.

    I have tried submitting the form not logged in and logged in. I have checked in phpMyAdmin, it seems CFDB creates the table correctly (_cf7dbplugin_submits). I cannot say if the table structure is ok, these are the fields: submit_time, form_name, field_name, field_value, field_order and file.

    I have changed several parameters in CFDB options, I have uninstalled (dropping the table) and re-installed the plugin. Nothing seems to work.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    What looks odd is that the table name is “_cf7dbplugin_submits” but I expect it to be “wp_cf7dbplugin_submits”. Actually the “wp_” is the default database table prefix. If you rename the table to wp_cf7dbplugin_submits perhaps it will work. Or maybe this is a symptom of a larger issue.

    In your installation, wp-config.php check the value of:

    $table_prefix = 'wp_';

    Thread Starter Ale



    I didn’t explain myself correctly on that one. The name of the table is not “_cf7dbplugin_submits” it has a proper prefix. The prefix is other than “wp”. That is made on purpose by me as a security measure. I’ve always done it that way and never had a problem with using a db prefix different than WordPress’ default.

    So, having cleared that up… Any ideas? I could give you login details if you wanted to take a look…

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    OK then. The plugin should pick up the correct prefix.

    You say “CFDB is not working at all” but you also say “I have changed several parameters in CFDB options”. I infer that some parts of CFDB are working, just that it is not capturing form submissions? Correct?

    Verify these CFDB Options:
    Capture form submissions from Contact Form 7 Plugin” = “true
    Do not save forms in DB named” does not exclude your form

    Thread Starter Ale


    Yeah, that would be correct. The plugin is not capturing submissions.

    Both options checked!

    Thread Starter Ale


    I can see you have just released a new version of the plugin. Should I go ahead and update it to see if it fix my issue?

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    You can update, but that is a fix for a different issue.

    I don’t know what is wrong in your installation. I haven’t had any other complaints like this.

    You could try setting up an error log file to see if CFDB is reporting any errors. And you can optionally add the log_form_submissions hook to see if CFDB is getting anything form CF7.

    Thread Starter Ale


    Have updated and as expected, hasn’t fixed my issue. I understand there is no information on why the plugin is not working.

    I can set up the error log file. I have read the post you linked to, I can create the php.ini file within the plugins folder, however I don’t understand where to paste this piece of code:

    function &log_form_submissions(&$formData)
        error_log('Form Submission: ' .
                print_r($formData, true));
        return $formData;
    add_filter('cfdb_form_data', 'log_form_submissions');

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    You can use Add Actions and Filters plugin or paste it into your theme’s functions.php file

    Thread Starter Ale


    I have used the Add Actions and Filters plugin, added the code, created the php.ini file inside CFDB folder, set the path, submitted the form, and there is no error.

    How can I add the log_form_submissions hook to see if CFBD is getting anything from CF7?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Ale


    Hi again,

    Sorry for insisting about this, I know that taking care of support requests from us users is not exactly lucrative to you, but it is driving my nuts that the plugin doesn’t capture submissions silently, I mean, apparently not showing any errors. I discovered your plugin yesterday, never knew about its existence before and I think it is a great plugin! I would use it repeatedly and donate to the plugin if I can get it to work!

    So… I moved the error log file to the same folder as the plugin (I had placed it outside public_html, shouldn’t matter, but just in case… ), granted full permissions to the file (777) to be sure that it can be written to, updated php.ini file with the new path, submitted the form… Still no errors.

    I went to phpMyAdmin and manually inserted an entry just to check if the plugin would retrieve that. It did, so the plugin does pickup data from the database.

    You said something about adding the log_form_submissions hook to see if CFDB is getting anything form CF7. How can I do this?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    I’ve already told you how to add the hook. Read more on the web page I cited for more details. But it sounds like CFDB is just not getting notified by the hook. I think if you put that logging hook in you still will see no information.

    First check this:

    Another possibility is if CF7 thinks your form submissions are spam in which case it does not call the hook. CF7 (or Akismet) seems to look at Settings -> Discussion -> Comment Blacklist to judge whether or not it is spam. Submitting URLs seems to trigger the spam filter. You can also try creating a test form with just a couple fields like “name” and “subject” and submit some non-URL text in the form and see if that gets captured.

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