• Resolved zactoff


    My site uses several wp_query calls to list posts in various orders depending on the page.

    This plugin was over-riding all ‘orderby’ settings and would only list posts in the menu order.

    It was also stopping me from being able to list my posts by date in the back-end which was extremely frustrating.

    If you’re using this plugin purely for a visual reference in the back-end then use another plugin.


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  • Plugin Author hijiri


    Hi, zactoff

    I will support the sorting in admin UI. in next update ver.3.0.0.


    Plugin Author hijiri


    Hi, zactoff

    Today, ver.3.0.2 released.
    Please try this.


    I have the latest version (3.0.3) and I’m still experiencing this plugin overriding ALL ‘orderby’ settings for a custom wp_query on a custom page within the admin.

    If I deactivate the plugin my posts display in the order I have determined in my code. If I activate the plugin again they ignore my orderby settings .


    I have worked around this issue by adding the following code to the mu-plugins folder to disable this plugin on my custom admin page (rentallist):

    add_filter( 'option_active_plugins', 'disable_intuitive_order_plugin' );
    function disable_intuitive_order_plugin($plugins){
        if($_GET['page'] == 'rentallist') {
            $key = array_search( 'intuitive-custom-post-order/intuitive-custom-post-order.php' , $plugins );
            if ( false !== $key ) {
                unset( $plugins[$key] );
        return $plugins;

    This is based on the following article: https://lowgravity.pl/blog/quick-tip-how-to-disable-wp-plugin-on-certain-page/

    Whilst this works it should not be necessary. The plugin should be fixed to prevent it overriding orderby parameters specified in custom queries for use in the admin area.

    Thread Starter zactoff



    Just wanted to say thanks for fixing sort order, love this plugin :c)


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