• alansmith78


    When I expand the menus with Internet Explorer 8 RC1 there is large blank spaces between the submenu links.

    Will there be a fix for this before IE8 goes final?

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  • IE 8 is final and it still has the same problem, and not just in the plugin it is everywhere. Nothing works correcly in IE 8, well it doe not crash as much as IE 7 but it still sucks. I am think we should all boycott IE 8 and any Micro stuff!!!

    Did anyone find a solution?
    This problem is rather frustrating.

    This is not IE only issue. If you want all browser to display the same, you should use

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

    instead of:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

    in admin-header.php.

    IE8 allways render content in strict mode, it’s all right. If you want IE8 to work in transitional mode you should put it in compability mode.
    This solve the issue but you can’t tell all users do the same, yeah?

    Next, when all browsers show exactly the same, you could see that vertical white spaces appears in all browser. I made so many changes in adminmenu.css.php but keys are there (as I remember):

    #ozhmenu a { /* all links */
            /* I remove large line-height, padding is better */
    	padding:5px 5px;
    #ozhmenu li ul li { /* dropped down lists item */
    	background:transparent !important;
    	/*float:none;*/ /* this is the main problem I see */
    	clear:both; /* this is correct one */
    	text-align:<?php echo $dir; ?>;
    	width: 100%; /* this is important thing, too */
    #ozhmenu li ul li a { /* links in dropped down list items*/
    	margin-right: 5px; /* I couldn't tell why but in all other cases you see negative gap beetween selected menu item and it's parent div */

    This absolutly solve issue described above.

    Good luck!

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