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  • first time restart this plugins to make connections to the database

    NOTE : For the first time you have to “Deactivate” this plugins, and hit again “Activate” ( PLUGINS – Plugins – PAPA DESTRA RSS IMPORT – Press Deactivate (and wait deactivate process) – Then Click Activate – Completed )

    Then you enter the “URL RSS” that you want. Example:

    Press SAVEcheck in the column and Import

    Very helpful,, Thanks

    Great plugin ??

    can it be configured to import more than just the first paragraph – ie the whole article?

    t1mdog : Thank you
    In this version has not been able to import the full article,

    Thread Starter gemailqu


    thanks I strongly facilitated by the existence of this plugin

    I have installed the plugin, activate, de-activate and activate again. But it still doesn′t work. I can′t import feeds. Anybody how got some solution?

    i deleted my feeds and put new ones on (with catagories this time) they dont work now??

    Also is it possible to get this operating on a seperate page of a blog? ie so that my posts show on the home page and the rss feeds show on a ‘latest news’ tab?


    I installed the plugin, activated then deactivated and reactivated.
    When I enter the standard feed, then this is the RSS feed import is not visible.

    I have WP version 3.1.2 and the RSS Papa Import version 1.2.

    can you help me?

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