• Resolved tsmith


    The plugin us giving live shipping rates but I’m having a few issues:

    1. I am unable to waive tax on just the shipping cost
    2. I have three shipping methods selected Priority, First Class, and USPS Ground. First Class is not showing as an available option
    3. USPS Simple is not showing under “Add Shipping Method”

    I have everything synced with USPS, rates appear correct as they adjust according to weight which is what I need. I just can’t have tax charged on the shipping portion and I know it should be showing up under the add shipping method section but it is not.

    Please advise.

    P.S: Debug Is Here:

    array ( 'error' => NULL, 'rates' => array ( 'priority_mail' => array ( 'id' => 'priority_mail', 'label' => 'Priority Mail', 'cost' => 9.86, ), 'ground_advantage' => array ( 'id' => 'ground_advantage', 'label' => 'USPS Ground Advantage', 'cost' => 8.7, ), ), 'settings' => array ( 'props' => array ( 'plugin_id' => 'woocommerce_', 'id' => 'usps_simple', 'errors' => array ( ), 'data' => array ( ), 'supports' => array ( 0 => 'settings', ), 'method_title' => 'USPS Simple', 'method_description' => 'Shows live USPS domestic rates on checkout', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'title' => 'USPS Simple', 'rates' => array ( ), 'tax_status' => 'taxable', 'fee' => NULL, 'minimum_fee' => NULL, 'instance_id' => 0, 'instance_form_fields' => array ( ), 'instance_settings' => array ( ), 'availability' => NULL, 'countries' => array ( ), 'method_order' => NULL, 'has_settings' => NULL, 'settings_html' => NULL, 'sender' => '32301', 'commercialRates' => true, 'groupByWeight' => true, 'apiEndpoint' => 'https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll', 'apiUserId' => '731D0ALLCO141', ), 'settings' => array ( 'enabled' => 'yes', 'sender' => '', 'user_id' => '731D0ALLCO141', 'commercial_rate' => 'yes', 'group_by_weight' => 'yes', 'express_mail' => '', 't_express_mail' => '', 'express_mail_3' => 'no', 'express_mail_2' => 'no', 'express_mail_23' => 'no', 'priority_mail' => '', 't_priority_mail' => '', 'priority_mail_1' => 'yes', 'priority_mail_33' => 'yes', 'priority_mail_18' => 'yes', 'priority_mail_47' => 'yes', 'priority_mail_48' => 'yes', 'priority_mail_49' => 'yes', 'priority_mail_50' => 'yes', 'first_class' => '', 't_first_class' => '', 'first_class_0A' => 'yes', 'first_class_12' => 'yes', 'first_class_15' => 'yes', 'first_class_0B' => 'yes', 'first_class_78' => 'yes', 'first_class_0C' => 'yes', 'ground_advantage' => '', 't_ground_advantage' => '', 'ground_advantage_default' => 'yes', 'standard_post' => '', 't_standard_post' => '', 'standard_post_4' => 'no', 'media_mail' => '', 't_media_mail' => '', 'media_mail_6' => 'no', 'library_mail' => '', 't_library_mail' => '', 'library_mail_7' => 'no', ), ), 'package' => array ( 'contents' => array ( '3083202a936b7d0ef8b680d7ae73fa1a' => array ( 'key' => '3083202a936b7d0ef8b680d7ae73fa1a', 'product_id' => 3344, 'variation_id' => 0, 'variation' => array ( ), 'quantity' => 1, 'data_hash' => 'b5c1d5ca8bae6d4896cf1807cdf763f0', 'line_tax_data' => array ( 'subtotal' => array ( 1 => 30.0, ), 'total' => array ( 1 => 30.0, ), ), 'line_subtotal' => 400.0, 'line_subtotal_tax' => 30.0, 'line_total' => 400.0, 'line_tax' => 30.0, 'product' => array ( 'name' => 'HP 15.6" Laptop with 1TB NVME SSD, i5-1334U, 32GB RAM, Windows 11 PRO and Microsoft Office 2021 REFURBISHED', 'slug' => 'hp-15-6-laptop-sn-5cd33257yq', 'price' => '400', 'regular_price' => '500', 'sale_price' => '400', 'weight' => '7 lbs', 'weight_lbs' => 7.0, 'dimensions' => '21 x 12 x 3 in', 'dimensions_in' => '21 x 12 x 3', ), ), ), 'contents_cost' => 400.0, 'applied_coupons' => array ( ), 'user' => array ( 'ID' => 0, ), 'destination' => array ( 'country' => 'US', 'state' => 'FL', 'postcode' => '32312', 'city' => 'Tallahassee', 'address' => '', 'address_1' => '', 'address_2' => '', ), 'cart_subtotal' => '725', 'rates' => array ( 'local_pickup:3' => \WC_Shipping_Rate::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'id' => 'local_pickup:3', 'method_id' => 'local_pickup', 'instance_id' => 3, 'label' => 'Local pickup', 'cost' => '0.00', 'taxes' => array ( ), 'tax_status' => 'none', ), 'meta_data' => array ( 'Items' => 'HP 15.6" Laptop with 1TB NVME SSD, i5-1334U, 32GB RAM, Windows 11 PRO and Microsoft Office 2021 REFURBISHED &times; 1', ), )), ), ), 'requests' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Pair::__set_state(array( 'online' => 'API=RateV4&XML= <RateV4Request USERID="731D0ALLCO141"> <Revision>2</Revision> <Package ID="3083202a936b7d0ef8b680d7ae73fa1a:1:21:12:3:7"> <Service>ONLINE</Service> <ZipOrigination>32301</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>32312</ZipDestination> <Pounds>7</Pounds> <Ounces>0.00</Ounces> <Container/> <Width>12</Width> <Length>21</Length> <Height>3</Height> <Girth>30</Girth> <Machinable>true</Machinable> <ShipDate>25-Feb-2025</ShipDate> </Package> </RateV4Request> ', 'standard' => NULL, )), 'request' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Request::__set_state(array( 'apiUserId' => '731D0ALLCO141', 'package' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Package::__set_state(array( 'orig' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Area::__set_state(array( 'countryCode' => 'US', 'zipCode' => '32301', )), 'dest' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Area::__set_state(array( 'countryCode' => 'US', 'zipCode' => '32312', )), 'items' => array ( '3083202a936b7d0ef8b680d7ae73fa1a' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Item::__set_state(array( 'product' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Product::__set_state(array( 'weight' => 7.0, 'dim' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 21.0, 'width' => 12.0, 'height' => 3.0, )), )), 'quantity' => 1, )), ), )), 'services' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\Services::__set_state(array( 'families' => array ( 1 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\ServiceFamily::__set_state(array( 'id' => 'priority_mail', 'title' => 'Priority Mail', 'sort' => 1, 'services' => array ( 0 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\RegularService::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'Priority Mail', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '1', )), 1 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\RegularService::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'Priority Mail, Hold For Pickup', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '33', )), 2 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\RegularService::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'Priority Mail Keys and IDs', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '18', )), 3 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\RegularService::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'Priority Mail Regional Rate Box A', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '47', )), 4 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\RegularService::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'Priority Mail Regional Rate Box A, Hold For Pickup', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '48', )), 5 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\RegularService::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'Priority Mail Regional Rate Box B', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '49', )), 6 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\RegularService::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'Priority Mail Regional Rate Box B, Hold For Pickup', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '50', )), ), )), 2 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\ServiceFamily::__set_state(array( 'id' => 'first_class', 'title' => 'First-Class Mail', 'sort' => 2, 'services' => array ( 0 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FirstClass::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'First-Class Mail Postcards', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '0A', 'code' => '0', 'fitFn' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FitMinMax::__set_state(array( 'min' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 5, 'width' => 3.5, 'height' => 0.007, )), 'max' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 6, 'width' => 4.25, 'height' => 0.016, )), )), 'serviceNamePattern' => 'Postcards', )), 1 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FirstClass::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'First-Class Mail Stamped Postcards', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '12', 'code' => '12', 'fitFn' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FitMinMax::__set_state(array( 'min' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 5, 'width' => 3.5, 'height' => 0.007, )), 'max' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 6, 'width' => 4.25, 'height' => 0.016, )), )), 'serviceNamePattern' => '', )), 2 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FirstClass::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'First-Class Mail Large Postcards', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '15', 'code' => '15', 'fitFn' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FitMinMax::__set_state(array( 'min' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 5, 'width' => 3.5, 'height' => 0.007, )), 'max' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 6, 'width' => 4.25, 'height' => 0.016, )), )), 'serviceNamePattern' => '', )), 3 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FirstClass::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'First-Class Mail Letter', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '0B', 'code' => '0', 'fitFn' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FitMinMax::__set_state(array( 'min' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 5, 'width' => 3.5, 'height' => 0.007, )), 'max' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 11.5, 'width' => 6.125, 'height' => 0.25, )), )), 'serviceNamePattern' => 'Letter', )), 4 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FirstClass::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'First-Class Mail Metered Letter', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '78', 'code' => '78', 'fitFn' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FitMinMax::__set_state(array( 'min' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 5, 'width' => 3.5, 'height' => 0.007, )), 'max' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 11.5, 'width' => 6.125, 'height' => 0.25, )), )), 'serviceNamePattern' => '', )), 5 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FirstClass::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'First-Class Mail Large Envelope', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '0C', 'code' => '0', 'fitFn' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\FitMinMax::__set_state(array( 'min' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 11.5, 'width' => 6, 'height' => 0.25, )), 'max' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 15, 'width' => 12, 'height' => 0.75, )), )), 'serviceNamePattern' => 'Large Envelope', )), ), )), 3 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\ServiceFamily::__set_state(array( 'id' => 'ground_advantage', 'title' => 'USPS Ground Advantage', 'sort' => 3, 'services' => array ( 0 => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\GroundAdvantage::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'USPS Ground Advantage', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => 'default', )), ), )), ), 'retailGroundEnabled' => false, )), 'groupByWeight' => true, 'commercialRates' => true, )), 'responses' => \Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Pair::__set_state(array( 'online' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <RateV4Response> <Package ID="3083202a936b7d0ef8b680d7ae73fa1a:1:21:12:3:7"> <ZipOrigination>32301</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>32312</ZipDestination> <Pounds>7</Pounds> <Ounces>0.00</Ounces> <Machinable>TRUE</Machinable> <Zone>1</Zone> <Postage CLASSID="3"> <MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;</MailService> <Rate>40.85</Rate> <CommercialRate>34.90</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-26</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="2"> <MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>40.85</Rate> <CommercialRate>34.90</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-26</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6001"> <MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>40.85</Rate> <CommercialRate>34.90</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-26</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="4001"> <MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; HAZMAT</MailService> <Rate>40.85</Rate> <CommercialRate>34.90</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-26</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="1"> <MailService>Priority Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;</MailService> <Rate>13.70</Rate> <CommercialRate>9.86</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="33"> <MailService>Priority Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>13.70</Rate> <CommercialRate>9.86</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6010"> <MailService>Priority Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>13.70</Rate> <CommercialRate>9.86</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="4010"> <MailService>Priority Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; HAZMAT</MailService> <Rate>13.70</Rate> <CommercialRate>9.86</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="1058"> <MailService>USPS Ground Advantage&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;</MailService> <Rate>12.25</Rate> <CommercialRate>8.70</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-27</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="2058"> <MailService>USPS Ground Advantage&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>12.25</Rate> <CommercialRate>8.70</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-27</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6058"> <MailService>USPS Ground Advantage&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>12.25</Rate> <CommercialRate>8.70</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-27</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="4058"> <MailService>USPS Ground Advantage&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; HAZMAT</MailService> <Rate>12.25</Rate> <CommercialRate>8.70</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-27</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6"> <MailService>Media Mail Parcel</MailService> <Rate>9.13</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6076"> <MailService>Media Mail Parcel Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>9.13</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="7"> <MailService>Library Mail Parcel</MailService> <Rate>8.66</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6075"> <MailService>Library Mail Parcel Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>8.66</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="20"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Flats</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>4.21</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="2020"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Flats Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>4.21</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6020"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Flats Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>4.21</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="5"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Parcels</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>5.91</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="2077"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Parcels Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>5.91</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6077"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Parcels Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>5.91</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> </Package> </RateV4Response> ', 'standard' => NULL, )), 'combinedResponse' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <RateV4Response> <Package ID="3083202a936b7d0ef8b680d7ae73fa1a:1:21:12:3:7"> <ZipOrigination>32301</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>32312</ZipDestination> <Pounds>7</Pounds> <Ounces>0.00</Ounces> <Machinable>TRUE</Machinable> <Zone>1</Zone> <Postage CLASSID="3"> <MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;</MailService> <Rate>40.85</Rate> <CommercialRate>34.90</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-26</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="2"> <MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>40.85</Rate> <CommercialRate>34.90</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-26</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6001"> <MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>40.85</Rate> <CommercialRate>34.90</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-26</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="4001"> <MailService>Priority Mail Express 1-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; HAZMAT</MailService> <Rate>40.85</Rate> <CommercialRate>34.90</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-26</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="1"> <MailService>Priority Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;</MailService> <Rate>13.70</Rate> <CommercialRate>9.86</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="33"> <MailService>Priority Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>13.70</Rate> <CommercialRate>9.86</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6010"> <MailService>Priority Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>13.70</Rate> <CommercialRate>9.86</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="4010"> <MailService>Priority Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; HAZMAT</MailService> <Rate>13.70</Rate> <CommercialRate>9.86</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3-Day</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="1058"> <MailService>USPS Ground Advantage&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;</MailService> <Rate>12.25</Rate> <CommercialRate>8.70</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-27</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="2058"> <MailService>USPS Ground Advantage&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>12.25</Rate> <CommercialRate>8.70</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-27</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6058"> <MailService>USPS Ground Advantage&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>12.25</Rate> <CommercialRate>8.70</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-27</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="4058"> <MailService>USPS Ground Advantage&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; HAZMAT</MailService> <Rate>12.25</Rate> <CommercialRate>8.70</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-27</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6"> <MailService>Media Mail Parcel</MailService> <Rate>9.13</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6076"> <MailService>Media Mail Parcel Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>9.13</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="7"> <MailService>Library Mail Parcel</MailService> <Rate>8.66</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6075"> <MailService>Library Mail Parcel Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>8.66</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="20"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Flats</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>4.21</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="2020"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Flats Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>4.21</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6020"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Flats Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>4.21</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="5"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Parcels</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>5.91</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="2077"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Parcels Hold For Pickup</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>5.91</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="6077"> <MailService>Bound Printed Matter Parcels Parcel Locker</MailService> <Rate>0.00</Rate> <CommercialRate>5.91</CommercialRate> <CommitmentDate>2025-02-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>3 Days</CommitmentName> </Postage> </Package> </RateV4Response> ', )

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Dan


    Thank you for the debug report.

    The maximum weight for First-Class Mail envelopes is 13 oz, while the package in the report was 7 lbs.

    The plugin is not tied to any shipping zone, so it doesn’t appear in the Add shipping method list.

    To prevent a tax from applying to shipping, uncheck the Shipping checkbox: https://imgur.com/a/h3PQxuP

    Thread Starter tsmith


    The maximum weight for First-Class Mail envelopes is 13 oz, while the package in the report was 7 lbs:

    So if it doesn’t apply, it doesn’t show up. Got it.

    The plugin is not tied to any shipping zone, so it doesn’t appear in the?Add shipping method?list:


    To prevent a tax from applying to shipping, uncheck the?Shipping?checkbox:?https://imgur.com/a/h3PQxuP :

    I am using woocommerce automatic tax and it puts the check back into the tax on shipping box automatically. I used USPS Shipping Method for WooCommerce on another site and it did show up in the add shipping method and I was able to disable to tax on shipping portion there just like you can with the local pickup. I’m in FL and I need to have a local pickup option. Therefore, I cannot charge tax on shipping fees. Do you have a workaround or do I need to just go with USPS Shipping Method for WooCommerce?

    Plugin Author Dan


    I can see the following options to disable the shipping tax in this case:
    – Adjust the woocommerce tax plugin settings to prevent it putting the shipping check back, if that’s supported.
    – Find a custom code snippet to forcedly disable the shipping tax.
    – Switch to another plugin for USPS.

    Thread Starter tsmith


    The plugin works but not for my purposes unfortunately so I had to remove it. I am no longer able to edit this post though so please remove this full post as well.

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