• Resolved HD15


    Firstly, let me just say i think this plugin is great! And it’s useful any type of database which is perfect. I’ve looked through a lot of plugins and this one has the best functionality by far!

    I’m going to use the plugin for a database of companies which i need to be more versatile than just a a directory, which the PDB plugin will already enable me to do. But I want to enable visitors to my site to search through the database at the front end. Obviously there is the pdb_list shortcode and the ability to add filters, but this won’t allow users to filter on their own.

    I’m a complete novice on coding, but I thought i could create pages for all of the different search options and then put the links in a drop down menu. But that’s not a very elegant way to do it. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions about a more robust way to enable front end searches?

    Also, eventually it would be nice to enable ratings for some of the database entries. How hard would that be to do?

    Many thanks!


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  • Thread Starter HD15


    I think I could theoretically use the Poll Daddy plugin to add a rating for each entry. However this works through a shortcode [polldaddy rating] but when I create a “rating” field in the PDB the shortcode isn’t rendered, just the text.

    I’ve looked around a bit and tried adding <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[polldaddy rating]’); ?> to the end of the list php file, but I don’t think that was the right place.

    Any suggestions?

    Still interested in any thoughts on the search interface question too.


    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    Hi HD15,

    For your search functionality…I am in the process of adding this to the plugin, but no promises on when it will be available.

    Meanwhile, your idea of having different pages for different shortcode filters might be a workable solution for a small number of different possibilities. If you want to roll up your sleeves and get into some code, it is possible to put a form on a page that when submitted, tells the shortcode which part of the list to display. You’d have to put the code for that in your template and then use a “do_shortcode” function to put in the values supplied by the form to filter the list.

    As to embedding a shortcode into the content (as you are trying with the polldaddy plugin) without modifying the plugin, you’d be limited to displaying the polldaddy information alongside the participants database output. Just put the two shorcodes next to each other, then try to work them together using CSS.

    It does give me an idea for a new feature, because if I added the standard content filter to the output of a textarea, shortcodes would be processed. That could be useful.

    Thread Starter HD15


    Thanks Xnau,

    That’s very helpful. I’ll try to do the search form, but I’m a serious beginner with code so I’ll see how I go!

    On the shortcode, text area question…. putting the 2 shortcodes next to one another doesn’t really solve what I’m trying to accomplish because I want each entry to be rated, that just allows a rating for the entire list.

    I’ve been looking around to to figure out how to do what I think you are referring to with adding the “standard content filter to the output of a textarea’, but I keep coming across solutions for getting shortcodes to work in either customer text areas or widgets so I’m not sure I know enough to adapt it for this instance.

    I’m going to keep trying to figure out how to put the shortcode in the text area and if you have any suggestions for pointing me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated!

    Regardless of getting my customizations to work I think you plugin is going to be super useful. I’m using it to replace Capsio – which is a serious pain.

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter HD15


    I’ve done some looking around and tried to figure out this shortcode thing.

    I’ve tried adding:

    add_filter(‘textarea’, ‘do_shortcode’ , 11); to the participants database main php file. I’ve also tried it with ‘field’ instead of ‘textarea’. I’ve also tried it without the priority 11 – that’s just something I found on a post.

    I think I’ve probably got the wrong field name and/or I’m adding it in the wrong place?

    Any suggestions?

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign



    What you need to do…and I don’t really know what you’re trying to accomplish…is use use a filter called ‘the_content’ in your template. Often, this is done with a custom field, so let’s say the content of your field is in a variable called “$custom_field” in your template, do this:

    <?php echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $custom_field ); ?>

    That will apply all the content filters to the text, including any shortcodes. Don’t edit the plugin files if you can avoid it, that will lead to problems later.



    Just to say that I am also supporting the “Frontend search functionality”. I was trying to code it but I will wait for your update ??

    Is there a website that you can see a live version?

    I just installed this plugin & I found that participants database can totally fulfill my want. This is actually a super database management system. But there is a very little bit problem that’s why I need help. I want to add search field that can be used for user to find the element that he wants. How can I do that? Please help me some one. I am providing the link of my page that is using for showing the record and list. I just want to add the search option. Here is the link: https://bcsbd.org/demo

    Thank in advance,

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign



    Try using [pdb_list search="true"]

    More details here: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/participants-database/other_notes/

    Thank you Xnau. Its really working.

    When I post [pdb_list search=”true”], under the search box, every record I have gets shown. How can I have it not show records until a category is selected?

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