• We have been using the PhotoDropper plugin and it works great except for one issue.

    When we set an image to be the featured image, none of the attribution options work. No attribution is displayed. We tested putting the image into the post directly and then the end of post attribution option is the only one that works.

    I dug into the wp_database and there is some sort of attribution information in the post metadata. I can’t tell how it is encoded, or how to display it. Right now our theme calls post_excerpt to get featured image captions due to the fact that WordPress handles featured images by making them “posts”.

    Any ideas?


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  • I’m experiencing this problem as well. None of the options for the attribution work with featured images.

    Its very frustrating, as I’m having to manually insert the attributions as captions – which is getting to be a real pain!

    I hope the developer can fix this soon…



    I added this:

    $id = get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_ID() );
    if($id) {
      $meta = get_post_meta($id,'_wp_attachment_metadata',true);
      if (isset($meta['attributeUrl']))
        $ids[$id] = $meta;

    to public function getAttrIds() right above the return $ids; in photo-dropper > application > Core > Bootstrap.php and it worked for me, apending the attribution to the bottom of post_content.

    Note every time photo-dropper updates this hack will be over-written so it’s not a permanent solution.. hopefully this gets added in the in future!



    roi_davidsword hack works for me as well and inclusion in the next version would be appreciated.

    There is however a second code change required for many of us on shared hosting plans.

    In saveImage.php (Photodropper v2.0.6) the call to get owner attribution info from Flickr (line 90) is using file_get_contents(). Many hosts don’t support this and cUrl would be the better alternative.

    As a matter of fact, for this very reason the pic itself is retrieved using cUrl, as marked down on lines 28/29:
    // Use CURL if possible – some hosts don’t allow
    // file_get_contents

    If this change could be applied to PD’s next version as well..?
    Great, thanks!

    Thread Starter joshdance


    I emailed Nicky and he said thanks and the code is in the plugin for the next release. Well done everyone. ?? Thanks for your help.

    Thanks for your fix roi_davidsword! It does indeed add the attribution to the end of the post.

    However, I’d prefer the attribution in the photo caption. I have it set to that, but obviously that doesn’t work with your fix. Any ideas on what needs to be changed?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Four months on, the attribution still doesn’t show up in the photo captions for featured images.

    Has anyone managed to find a way to get this to work? I’m sick of having to manually add them in – if I could find another plugin that does what PhotoDropper does as well as it does it, I’d have switched over months ago!

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