• Like always, if there is a itch, you should fix it… so what did I do:
    1. added body of post as a tooltip (title in href), so that when you hover it will show the first 512 chars of the post
    2. added the topic_last_post_if hack in a more structural way now you can “check” the function in the admin console setting and the widget behaviour will adapt.
    3. instead of a series of cut-paste if-else-hacks I cleand up the code by a query build, and then run code.

    Hope you like the improvements.


    # Where am I ?
    $location = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=phpbb-recent-topics/display/admin-options.php';
    # Setup our phpbb Settings.
    add_option('prt_phpbb_db', __('', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_tt', __('phpbb_topics', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_url', __('', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_limit', __('5', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_date', __('d/M/y - g:i a', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_ft', __('phpbb_forums', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_newwin', __('0', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon', __('0', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid', __('phpbbuser', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw', __('phpbbpass', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost', __('localhost', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_pt', __('phpbb_posts', 'prt'));
    add_option('prt_phpbb_latest_topic', __('0', 'prt'));
    # If we've been submitted, then save :-)
    if ('process' == $_POST['stage'])
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_db', $_POST['prt_phpbb_db']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_tt', $_POST['prt_phpbb_tt']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_ft', $_POST['prt_phpbb_ft']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_pt', $_POST['prt_phpbb_pt']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_url', $_POST['prt_phpbb_url']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_limit', $_POST['prt_phpbb_limit']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_date', $_POST['prt_phpbb_date']);
            update_option('prt_phpbb_exclued', $_POST['prt_phpbb_exclued']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_newwin', $_POST['prt_phpbb_newwin']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_latest_topic', $_POST['prt_phpbb_latest_topic']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon', $_POST['prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid', $_POST['prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw', $_POST['prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw']);
    	update_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost', $_POST['prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost']);
    # When loading the form, fill in our old values....
    $prt_phpbb_db = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_db'));
    $prt_phpbb_tt = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_tt'));
    $prt_phpbb_ft = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_ft'));
    $prt_phpbb_pt = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_pt'));
    $prt_phpbb_url = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_url'));
    $prt_phpbb_limit = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_limit'));
    $prt_phpbb_date = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_date'));
    $prt_phpbb_exclued = get_option('prt_phpbb_exclued');
    $prt_phpbb_newwin = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_newwin'));
    $prt_phpbb_latest_topic = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_latest_topic'));
    $prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon'));
    $prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid'));
    $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw'));
    $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost'));
    # Only Allow Admins Access
    if (current_user_can('level_10')) {
    	# How do we connect to phpbb?
    	if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon != "1") {
    		# COnnect to phpBB and get a list of forums
    		# Run The query
            	$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT forum_id,forum_name FROM $prt_phpbb_ft");
            	# Connect back to wordpress :-)
    	} else {
    		# Make new DB Connection
    		$phpbbdb = new wpdb($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid, $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw, $prt_phpbb_db, $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehos);
    		# Run The query
            	$results = $phpbbdb->get_results("SELECT forum_id,forum_name FROM $prt_phpbb_ft");
    # Now print the admin form!
    <div class="wrap">
      <h2><?php _e('phpBB Recent Topics') ?></h2>
      <form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $location ?>&updated=true">
      <input type="hidden" name="stage" value="process" />
      <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('phpbb MySQL Database Name') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_db" id="prt_phpbb_db" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_db; ?>" />
      <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('Enable Insecure Database Connection') ?></th>
            <table><tr><td>Enable</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon" value="1" <?php if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon == "1") { echo "checked"; } ?>/><span class="description"> Only do this if you really have too! Please see README for more details</span></td></tr></table>
    <?php if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon == "1") { ?>
     <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('phpbb MySQL Database UserName') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid" id="prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid; ?>" />
     <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('phpbb MySQL Database Password') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw" id="prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw; ?>" />
     <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('phpbb MySQL Server') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost" id="prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost; ?>" />
    <?php } ?>
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('phpbb Topics Table Name') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_tt" id="prt_phpbb_tt" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_tt; ?>" />
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('phpbb Forums Table Name') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_ft" id="prt_phpbb_ft" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_ft; ?>" />
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('phpbb Posts Table Name') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_pt" id="prt_phpbb_pt" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_pt; ?>" />
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('phpbb forum URL') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_url" id="prt_phpbb_url" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_url; ?>" />
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('Number of Topics to show') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_limit" id="prt_phpbb_limit" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_limit; ?>" />
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('Date and Time Formmating') ?></th>
          <td><input name="prt_phpbb_date" id="prt_phpbb_date" class="regular-text" value="<?php echo $prt_phpbb_date; ?>" />
          <span class="description"> See <a href="https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Formatting_Date_and_Time">WP Codex Documentation on date formatting</a></span></td>
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('Show latest topic with posts') ?></th>
    	<table><tr><td>Enable</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="prt_phpbb_latest_topic" value="1" <?php if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") { echo "checked"; } ?>/></td></tr></table>
    	if ($results){
        <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('Excluded Forums') ?></th>
          <td><table><?php foreach ($results as $forum) {
    		?><tr><td><?php echo $forum->forum_name;?></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="prt_phpbb_exclued[]" value="<?php echo $forum->forum_id;?>" <?php
    if (is_array($prt_phpbb_exclued)) {
    	foreach ($prt_phpbb_exclued as $excluded) {
    		# Switch on Check Boxes!
    		if ($excluded == $forum->forum_id) {
    			echo "checked";
    } ?>/></td></tr><?php
    	} ?></table>
            } else {
    	<tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('Excluded Forums Not Enabled') ?></th>
    	<td>Please add new GRANT permissions <code>GRANT SELECT ON phpbb_database.phpbb_forums TO wp_user@localhost;</code> <br /><span class="description">See README for more details</span></td>
    <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row"><?php _e('Open link in new window') ?></th>
    	<table><tr><td>Enable</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="prt_phpbb_newwin" value="1" <?php if ($prt_phpbb_newwin == "1") { echo "checked"; } ?>/></td></tr></table>
        <p class="submit">
          <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php _e('Update Options', 'prt') ?> &raquo;" />
    <hr />
            # Let's tell users about phpbb_recent_topics news!
            $lnx_feed = fetch_feed('https://www.linickx.com/archives/tag/phpbb_recent_topics/feed');
            <h3>phpBB Recent Topics News</h3>
            foreach ($lnx_feed->get_items() as $item){
                            printf('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>',$item->get_permalink(), $item->get_title());
    	<p><small><a href="https://www.linickx.com/archives/tag/phpbb_recent_topics/feed">Subcribe to this feed</a></small></p>
    # You're not an admin then
    } else {
    <div class="wrap">
      <h2><?php _e('phpBB Recent Topics') ?></h2>
    <p>Sorry you do not have access to this page</p>

    And the display.php must be this:

    # Get the Options from the Database
    $PHPBBDB = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_db'));
    $TOPIC_TABLE = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_tt'));
    $POSTS_TABLE = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_pt'));
    $SITEURL = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_url'));
    $PHPBBDATE = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_date'));
    $PHPBBEXCLUDED = get_option('prt_phpbb_exclued');
    $OPENINNEWWIN = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_newwin'));
    # TODO change above variables to match "admin-display" style, cause it makes more sense!
    $prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon'));
    $prt_phpbb_latest_topic = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_latest_topic'));
    # Setup our WordPress DB Connection
    	global $wpdb;
    # Are we a function call or Page call ? Set up our list length...
    	if (is_null($LIMIT)) { 
    		$LIMIT = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_LIMIT'));
    		if (is_null($LIMIT)) {
                    $LIMIT = 5;
    # Check the $TOPIC_TABLE variable
    	if (is_null($TOPIC_TABLE)) {
    		$TOPIC_TABLE = "phpbb_topics";
    	# if $TOPIC_TABLE is set up empty :)
    	if ($TOPIC_TABLE == "") {
                    $TOPIC_TABLE = "phpbb_topics";
    # Check the $POSTS_TABLE variable
    	if (is_null($POSTS_TABLE)) {
    		$TOPIC_TABLE = "phpbb_posts";
    	# if $POSTS_TABLE is set up empty :)
    	if ($POSTS_TABLE == "") {
                    $POSTS_TABLE = "phpbb_topics";
    # Connect to php BB
    # Insecure Method
    if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon == "1") { 
    	$prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid'));
    	$prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw'));
    	$prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost'));
    	$phpbbdb = new wpdb($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid, $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw, $PHPBBDB, $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehos);
    } else {
    # Secure Method
    # Run The query
    // Build a query based on some paramters Changed by Number3NL (12 may 2010)
    if (is_array($PHPBBEXCLUDED)) {
    	$counter = 0;
    	$countermax = count($PHPBBEXCLUDED) -1;
    	# Construct Excluded Query
    	foreach ($PHPBBEXCLUDED as $EXCLUDED) {
    		$EXCLUDED_FORUM .= "forum_id !=$EXCLUDED";
    			if ($counter < $countermax  ) {
    				$EXCLUDED_FORUM .= " AND ";
    } else {
            $EXCLUDED_FORUM = "";
    // Added WHERE TOPIC_APPROVED = 1 to the following, creditz Ashish https://www.microstrategy101.com/
    if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") {
         $sql_query .= " topic_last_post_time";
    } else {
         $sql_query .= " topic_time";
    $sql_query .= " DESC LIMIT $LIMIT";
    //finally fetch it from the database
    if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon == "1") {
           $results = $phpbbdb->get_results($sql_query);
    } else {
           $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql_query);
    //Next build the recent (active) topics now
    if ($results){
    		echo "<ul>";	
    	# Loop away baby !
    	foreach ($results as $topic)
    		echo "<li>";
    		//echo "$topic->post_text";
    		echo "<a ";
    			if ($OPENINNEWWIN == "1") { echo "target=\"_blank\""; }
                    if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") {
    	                echo " href='" . $SITEURL . "/viewtopic.php?p=$topic->topic_last_post_id#p$topic->topic_last_post_id'";
                    } else {
                            echo " href='" . $SITEURL . "/viewtopic.php?p=$topic->topic_id'";
                    //** fetch post body
                    //build query
                    $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $POSTS_TABLE WHERE ";
                    if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") {
                            $sql_query .= "post_id=" . $topic->topic_last_post_id;
                    } else {
                            $sql_query .= "topic_id=" . $topic->topic_id;
                    $sql_query .= " LIMIT 1";
                    //run query
                    if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon == "1") {
               		$post= $phpbbdb->get_row($sql_query);
            	} else {
    	         	$post = $wpdb->get_row($sql_query);
                    //strip BBcodes from post
    		$post->post_text = preg_replace("(\[.+?\])is",'',$post->post_text);
                    //limit the quote from the body to xxx chars
    		$post->post_text = substr($post->post_text,0,512)."...";
    		echo " title='" . $post->post_text . "' ";
                    //** and that's all folks
    		echo ">";
                    //echo "$post->post_text $topic->topic_last_post_id";
                    echo "$topic->topic_last_post_subject";
    		echo "</a>";
    		if ($PHPBBDATE != "") {
    			echo "<br />\n";
    			//echo "<small><i>" . date("$PHPBBDATE", $topic->topic_time) . "</i></small>\n";
                            echo "<small><i>" . date("$PHPBBDATE", $topic->topic_last_post_time) . "</i></small>\n";
    		echo "</li>";
    		echo "</ul>";
    } else {
    		echo "<h2> phpBB Error  -$TOPIC_TABLE </h2>";
     if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon != "1") {
    	# Connect back to wordpress :-)


Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Thread Starter number3nl


    Found some small bugs and forgot to fix some of display.php, so here we go again.


    # Get the Options from the Database
    $PHPBBDB = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_db'));
    $TOPIC_TABLE = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_tt'));
    $POSTS_TABLE = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_pt'));
    $SITEURL = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_url'));
    $PHPBBDATE = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_date'));
    $PHPBBEXCLUDED = get_option('prt_phpbb_exclued');
    $OPENINNEWWIN = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_newwin'));
    # TODO change above variables to match "admin-display" style, cause it makes more sense!
    $prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon'));
    $prt_phpbb_latest_topic = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_latest_topic'));
    # Setup our WordPress DB Connection
    	global $wpdb;
    # Are we a function call or Page call ? Set up our list length...
    	if (is_null($LIMIT)) { 
    		$LIMIT = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_LIMIT'));
    		if (is_null($LIMIT)) {
                    $LIMIT = 5;
    # Check the $TOPIC_TABLE variable
    	if (is_null($TOPIC_TABLE)) {
    		$TOPIC_TABLE = "phpbb_topics";
    	# if $TOPIC_TABLE is set up empty :)
    	if ($TOPIC_TABLE == "") {
                    $TOPIC_TABLE = "phpbb_topics";
    # Check the $POSTS_TABLE variable
    	if (is_null($POSTS_TABLE)) {
    		$TOPIC_TABLE = "phpbb_posts";
    	# if $POSTS_TABLE is set up empty :)
    	if ($POSTS_TABLE == "") {
                    $POSTS_TABLE = "phpbb_topics";
    # Connect to php BB
    # Insecure Method
    if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon == "1") { 
    	$prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid'));
    	$prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw'));
    	$prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost = stripslashes(get_option('prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehost'));
    	$phpbbdb = new wpdb($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureuid, $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurepw, $PHPBBDB, $prt_phpbb_dbinsecurehos);
    } else {
    # Secure Method
    # Run The query
    // Build a query based on some paramters Changed by Number3NL (12 may 2010)
    if (is_array($PHPBBEXCLUDED)) {
    	$counter = 0;
    	$countermax = count($PHPBBEXCLUDED) -1;
    	# Construct Excluded Query
    	foreach ($PHPBBEXCLUDED as $EXCLUDED) {
    		$EXCLUDED_FORUM .= "forum_id !=$EXCLUDED";
    			if ($counter < $countermax  ) {
    				$EXCLUDED_FORUM .= " AND ";
    } else {
            $EXCLUDED_FORUM = "";
    // Added WHERE TOPIC_APPROVED = 1 to the following, creditz Ashish https://www.microstrategy101.com/
    if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") {
         $sql_query .= " topic_last_post_time";
    } else {
         $sql_query .= " topic_time";
    $sql_query .= " DESC LIMIT $LIMIT";
    //finally fetch it from the database
    if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon == "1") {
           $results = $phpbbdb->get_results($sql_query);
    } else {
           $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql_query);
    //Next build the recent (active) topics now
    if ($results){
    		echo "<ul>";	
    	# Loop away baby !
    	foreach ($results as $topic)
    		echo "<li>";
    		//echo "$topic->post_text";
    		echo "<a ";
    			if ($OPENINNEWWIN == "1") { echo "target=\"_blank\""; }
                    if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") {
    	                echo " href='" . $SITEURL . "/viewtopic.php?p=$topic->topic_last_post_id#p$topic->topic_last_post_id'";
                    } else {
                            echo " href='" . $SITEURL . "/viewtopic.php?t=$topic->topic_id'";
                    //** fetch post body
                    //build query
                    $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $POSTS_TABLE WHERE ";
                    if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") {
                            $sql_query .= "post_id=" . $topic->topic_last_post_id;
                    } else {
                            $sql_query .= "topic_id=" . $topic->topic_id;
                    $sql_query .= " LIMIT 1";
                    //run query
                    if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon == "1") {
               		$post= $phpbbdb->get_row($sql_query);
            	} else {
    	         	$post = $wpdb->get_row($sql_query);
                    //strip BBcodes from post
    		$post->post_text = preg_replace("(\[.+?\])is",'',$post->post_text);
                    //limit the quote from the body to xxx chars
    		$post->post_text = substr($post->post_text,0,512)."...";
    		echo " title='" . $post->post_text . "' ";
                    //** and that's all folks
    		echo ">";
                    if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") {
                         echo "$topic->topic_last_post_subject";
                    } else {
                         echo "$topic->topic_title";
    		echo "</a>";
    		if ($PHPBBDATE != "") {
    			echo "<br />\n";
                            if ($prt_phpbb_latest_topic == "1") {
                                  echo "<small><i>" . date("$PHPBBDATE", $topic->topic_last_post_time) . "</i></small>\n";
                            } else {
                                  echo "<small><i>" . date("$PHPBBDATE", $topic->topic_time) . "</i></small>\n";
    		echo "</li>";
    		echo "</ul>";
    } else {
    		echo "<h2> phpBB Error  -$TOPIC_TABLE </h2>";
     if ($prt_phpbb_dbinsecureon != "1") {
    	# Connect back to wordpress :-)

    Thread Starter number3nl


    Please someone, help me to create a diff / patch file for Nick.
    What tools to use?


    See https://www.ads-software.com/download/svn/ for info on creating patches… don’t stress about it tho’ now as I’ve got ur emails.


    This is available in the development version now… will update stable version soon ??

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • The topic ‘[Plugin: phpbb_recent_topics] Improvement… to 0.5.3 – recent post with tooltip with body of post’ is closed to new replies.