Hi Mikaweb
Great plugin. Here are a couple of suggestions for new features:
1. Season selection.
At the moment, the season is taken as running across 2 years. In Australia, the Pro leagues play across years, but the junior leagues play within a year. The ability to turn off the auto-adding of the “/13” (or next year), would be great.
2. Scope selection.
Currently, the team is assumed to belong to a Country. In my situation, I am using it for a junior league, so my teams may be many within a Club. For instance, I may have a Team A & Team B within the Farmville Cows. At the moment, I have to type “Farmville Cows A”, and then select an arbitary Country.
3. Persistence of data
The information within certain screens doesn’t hold when going to editing screens. For example, if I select the Club Name, which moves it to an editing mode, the details disappear when in the editing screen. With many Clubs, this could be confusing…
4. Clubs
The Club holds the Coach information. This isn’t true when you consider different age levels, or “Seconds” etc. It would be great if the combination of Club & League held the Coach information.
5. Logos
The logo ability is great, but it would be nice to see an import function that managed the shrinking of the logos.
Great work though so far, and it will be very much appreaciated by my players parents this year.