• I’m using WordPress 2.9 and the Platinum SEO Pack 1.3.1 with one of the N20 Themes (https://www.ngraphicdesign.com/n20-theme-series-free-wordpress-themes/).

    The post titles are not rewriting on my individual (is_single) pages. I have since started using the SEO Title Tag plugin until I this works, but I would rather use a single plugin rather than multiple plugins to achieve my goals.

    The title element is not special:

    <title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?> &raquo; Blog Archive <?php } ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>

    I have the rewrite titles checkbox option checked in the Platinum SEO pack admin area.

    wp_head() is called in the header area.

    The home page title is rewritten, but not the individual page titles. I also checked to be sure that the single.php didn’t call some custom header instead of the general header — it doesn’t.

    I have the Platinum SEO pack installed on older WP versions, and it works just fine, but it’s not fully functioning for me with 2.9.


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  • Issues here for some time. My titles are working but the Description is not changing in the search engines even though I change it in wordpress. Won’t take. Developer is not responding. Guess it’s time to try SEO Title tag again.

    no idea how to fix the plugin, but if yu have the paitence to do it by hand you can replace your title PHP with what I have, and it reverses the page name to first position, blog title second

    <?php if ( is_home() ) { ?><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_search() ) { ?><?php _e(‘Search Results’); ?><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_author() ) { ?><?php _e(‘Author Archives’); ?><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?><?php wp_title(”); ?><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_page() ) { ?><?php wp_title(”); ?><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_category() ) { ?><?php _e(‘Post Category Archive’); ?> : <?php single_cat_title(); ?><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_month() ) { ?><?php _e(‘Archive’); ?> : <?php the_time(‘$d’); ?> | <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?><?php } ?>
    <?php if (function_exists(‘is_tag’)) {if (is_tag() ) { ?><?php _e(‘Tag Archive’); ?> : <?php single_tag_title(“”, true); } } ?> | <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>

    For rewriting title on individual pages using Platinum SEO plugin, you need to make the changes on the pages individually. Go to edit mode. Below the editor, you will see the Platinum SEO pack options. Fill out the options and you are done. Give some time to search engines to reindex your pages.

    I use only Platinum SEO plugin for rewriting titles of individual pages on my moral philosophy blog.

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