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  • All sounds good. ??

    As for the invalid XHTML, I believe it has to do with the Nic Edit javascript. It’s inserting <br /> tags instead of <br />‘s and paragraph tags.

    Just want to say I’m quite excited about working with Pods. I publish an online alt magazine and am bringing a former hobby food blog along for the ride. What I’m hearing is that Pods can really do some powerful things. It was enough incentive for me to upgrade to a new server with higher level PHP. I’ll keep you informed on my experiments as I muddle through.

    Thanks for developing this plug-in.

    @ sc0ttkclark – It would be great to have a bit clearer direction on how to create your first pod page- I’m still not sure I totally get it- and unfortunately the howto’s that were supposed to be at seem to be gone.

    I’d really like to test this out and it looks like you’ve prefilled pods with some data, but I don’t know how to view it…

    As an Expression Engine developer Pods is awesome for my smaller sites. WordPress has been crying out for a decent custom fields implementation for ages.

    One major problem is still the docs. Please, please, please take them out of scribd (why??) and put them on a web page with full explanations of all the features (such as relating pods to wp pages).

    Awesome job! I predict this plugin will run and run until it has become much more than that.

    Thread Starter logikal16


    @luke – We already have a documentation wiki:

    If there’s something missing with the documentation, you’re more than welcome to log in and edit any of the wiki pages.

    The pods tutorials on my website are back up:

    First thing I noticed is that it doesn’t work very well if you install in a directory. A LOT of plugin developers make the same mistake. When you are referencing a wordpress directory like wp-admin, you have to use:




    So if WP is installed in a folder like “;. The first one would allow you to reference “; the second would incorrectly reference “; as it does currently.

    I had to fix it here for sure:
    input_fields.php – line:68

    I’m having the same issue as jcow. Any change coming to fix this issue? It’s quite troublesome as I’ve been installing all sites in sub-directories for the past two years as suggested by for security reasons.

    There also seem to be issues when you put the uploads folder outside of wp-content.

    Any fixes coming?

    Great plugin. Terrible documentation. Very unhelpful forum. Devs silent on most issues. Rookies are made to feel very unwelcome.

    Unless the devs change their attitude and start helping people this plugin will be emulated by someone who does give crap and then it’ll be adios pods.

    Thread Starter logikal16


    The devs have day jobs and features to release. Sorry you feel that way about the forums. It’s a complex plugin and can be a challenge for beginners to wrap their mind around.

    We’re not ignoring anyone — we’ll get to each question as soon as we can.

    We try as much as possible to help users get started. There are tutorial videos (see the User Guide) and other quick-start guides. There are other tutorials floating around by community members… Google “Mike van Winkle”. But you’re right… it’s harder to get started than it should be. We’re working on that.

    Regardless of your frustrations, please remember that this is (and will remain) free software. Treat it as such. When you rate a plugin, you’re rating the plugin itself (quality, usefulness, lack of bugs) and not the support or lack thereof.

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