• I cannot post code on Plugins and Hacks section. so I post them here!

    Hi Guys,

    1. I wanna put <?php echo polldaddy_get_rating_html(); ?> into single.php. However, I cannot position it. don’t know why! e.g

    2. I’m using this plugin with Live Blogging plugin. I wanna unhook it when I update Live Blog post.

    Hope someone can help me!!!

    <div class="likemsg clear">
    <h3>Liked these offers? Then Tweet it, Like it & Recommend it!</h3>
    <?php echo tweetbutton(); ?>
    <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=<?php echo urlencode(get_permalink($post->ID)); ?>&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=90&action=like&colorscheme=light&height=22" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:90px; height:22px;float:left;margin-top:10px;"></iframe>
     <?php echo polldaddy_get_rating_html(); ?>

    CSS styles:

    .likemsg{margin:0 0px 10px 8px;padding-bottom:10px;/*border-top:2px solid #eee;*/border:1px solid #d0d0b9;-webkit-border-radius: 6px;-moz-border-radius: 6px;border-radius: 6px;overflow:hidden;}
    .likemsg h3{font-size:120%;text-shadow:none;padding:5px 0 5px 8px;}
    .btmbar{margin:10px 3px 20px 8px;border-top:2px solid #eee;}
    .ratingstyle{float:right;margin-right:183px;width:200px;margin-top: 10px;overflow:hidden;}

    // add raingstyle in it

    function polldaddy_get_rating_code( $rating_id, $unique_id, $title, $permalink, $item_id = '' ) {
            $html = "\n".'<div class="pd-rating ratingstyle" id="pd_rating_holder_' . $rating_id . $item_id . '"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
            PDRTJS_settings_' . (int)$rating_id . $item_id . ' = {
                    "id" : "' . (int)$rating_id . '",
                    "unique_id" : "' . urlencode( $unique_id ) . '",
                    "title" : "' . urlencode( $title ) . '",' . "\n";
                    if ( $item_id != '' )
                            $html .=  ( '           "item_id" : "' . $item_id . '",' . "\n" );
                    $html .= '              "permalink" : "' . urlencode( clean_url( $permalink ) ) . '"';
                    $html .= "\n    }\n";
                    $html .=  "</script>\n";
            return $html;
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