• sof


    i installed the plugin and it’s wonderful, i love it, so thank you very much
    so i have a problem on my wp site, actually i know it’s confusing with another plugin called prospress (its for auctions).
    in the wp backend, on the polylang plugin settings tab i have those two messages on the top:

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The first argument should be either a string or an integer in /home/allgraph/public_html/wp-content/plugins/prospress/pp-posts/pp-post-sort.php on line 109

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The first argument should be either a string or an integer in /home/allgraph/public_html/wp-content/plugins/prospress/pp-bids/bids-filter.php on line 78

    and the problem is when i enter my home page (i tried the 2 Front page displays options in the reading settings of wp “posts index or other custom static page”) i get an auction index page (the default auctions index page for the prospress) that have for title: ? English
    and as text: en_US
    and it shaws auctions normally

    i set the site with two languages: English & French, and its the same with french
    ? Fran?ais

    note: if i have no translated (auction index page) for example a french one, so i have only a english version. when switching to the french homepage i get a 404 error message:
    Sorry, the page you were looking for could not be found..

    (it’s like my home page is referring to index page of prospress)

    but all the other pages works fine, all the whole site is fine exept the home page and when clicking on language switchers

    i used a /%postname% permalinks

    thank you for helping me, i love this plugin and prospress too


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