• Resolved dreamdancerdesign


    I just upgraded Preserve Html plugin and all of a sudden I couldn’t switch from html back to the visual editor, or even use the visual editor at all, it is completely messed up. I am using child themes to the Genesis framework.

    At first I thought it was because I was also using Advanced TinyMCE, but tested again with that plugin turned off.

    Right now I have to go back to the previous version, my clients have to use the visual editor and I need to add code to the html editor that can’t be changed.

    This plugin is a lifesaver, but this version is not working for me.


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  • Plugin Author MarcusPope


    @abbyj – can you try a different browser like chrome or IE to see if the problem still happens? I’m noticing a trend with firefox, but can’t seem to reproduce it in my testing. But I’m hoping to knock this out this weekend and will publish a fix as soon as I can.

    it’s ok in chrome and IE.
    still problem in firefox.

    Plugin Author MarcusPope


    Awesome, very good news to help me isolate issues. Are you also unable to switch between tabs like the other users? One thing to ensure is having the page load on the html tab and seeing if you cab switch.

    I normally would ask so much testing from my users but I’m still not able to reproduce these problems :(. Thanks again!

    no problem -happy to help.
    I can switch to the html tab but cannot switch back to visual.

    Plugin Author MarcusPope


    Ok the problem is definitely due to browsers caching the javascript file from version 1.1. I simulated a browser caching issue by copying the version 1.1 of admin.js to my test server and the behavior matched exactly with what everyone is saying.

    @dreamdancerdesign – thanks for everything you’ve been really helpfull and I’ll be sure to thank you and @abbyj in the plugin notes.

    So, if you all could try clearing your web cache for your site, with version 1.2 of my plugin installed, you should be good to go. There are various ways to clear the browser cache for each browser, so google will be your friend if you don’t know how.

    I can also solve this problem programmatically so I will publish an updated version that will not require you to clear your web cache for future updates. I’m pretty shocked the plugin installer doesn’t cache-bust js files automatically on update.

    I’ll hold off on marking the topic as resolved until I hear some confirmation of the fix.

    Thanks again to everyone,

    Thread Starter dreamdancerdesign


    Great news, and it does make sense too, and why it was intermittent. I was only happening in the browser I was using to do the update. An Safari does hold on to things in its cache.

    I am happy to help and good job figuring out the issue.

    Plugin Author MarcusPope


    Good News Everyone! I’ve been watching futurama and fixing bugs. If you update to version 1.3 you should have no problems using the features in version 1.2. And I’ve added a feature to prevent a browser from using a cached version on plugin update (but it will still cache for performance after the first download.)

    I’ve also added support for inline JavaScript and CSS to html tags. This support is experimental and requires disabling some internal wordpress filters (outlined in the readme), but it’s there for those who need it.

    If you still have problems with version 1.3, go ahead and try clearing your browser cache anyway, but I’m pretty confident in the stability of this version.


    Thread Starter dreamdancerdesign


    Just used the update to the plugin on my cache happy Safari, no issues at all. (nor any cache clearing needed). Will need to check out the inline Javascript and for sure the inline CSS that I use quite a bit.

    Three cheers for Futurama, and ten thousand “thank you’s” to Marcus.

    I’ve been struggling with this problem even with the latest version. I get the following error when I click on the Visual Tab:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'apply' of undefined wp-tinymce.php:2

    I noticed an error that might highlight why this is happening…

    [blocked] The page at https://XXXXXXXXXXX/wp-admin/post.php?post=165954&action=edit ran insecure content from https://XXXXXXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/preserved-html-editor-markup/admin.js?v=1.5&ver=3.3.1.

    Disabling the preserved html editor plugin resolves the issue. Strangely enough, this only seems to pop up in Chrome…

    Any ideas?

    By the way, awesome plugin. The fact that this even exists makes me smile.


    I made an edit to sb_preserved_markup.php on Line 309 replacing WP_PLUGIN_URL with the plugins_url() function return.

    wp_enqueue_script('emc2-pm-admin-js', WP_PLUGIN_URL .'/'.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),"",plugin_basename(__FILE__))."admin.js?v=".$cachebuster);


    wp_enqueue_script('emc2-pm-admin-js', plugins_url() . '/' . str_replace(basename( __FILE__),"",plugin_basename(__FILE__))."admin.js?v=".$cachebuster);

    Worked like a charm! ??

    Plugin Author MarcusPope


    Hey John, thanks for the helping hand in debugging the problem. I’m glad you like the plugin, and I’ve made your suggested fix which will be published soon.

    It’s very interesting that the WP_PLUGIN_URL doesn’t account for the scheme change – as it was the http content served over an https connection that caused Chrome to complain.

    plugins_url() fixes that, so I went ahead and changed it on this plugin and another one I wrote.


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