me again, hi.
you really solved a lot of problems here, thank’s. my bug was that the installed theme started a 2nd instance of another old jquery version on it’s own. 1st instance is started by wordpress, when the theme starts the 2nd instance, that comes along with the theme, happens.
the solution was to delete the jquery start in my theme header. i’m running an older version of the monochrome theme that is formatted for german use, so this is pretty difficult to update.
by the way, can you tell me how to reduce the space between the buttons? heise says the line is about 600 px of with, but there is lot of space. i tried but failed to modify the CSS.
i prefer to show the on/off switches because of german data safety reasons. if anybody makes a wrong click so this cannot be a POnR event (point of no return).
anyway, thanks for helping, if you ever come to Dusseldorf, go call me and get an Altbier ??
regards, uli