• I have found a problem when trying to get this to work with Advanced Custom Fields, both the 2.* and 3.* versions.

    The problem is that qTranslate extension doesn’t escape things correctly so when it tries to find stuff with rel=[] it bugs out on the id’s from Advanced Custom Fields that uses [].

    I used a function like this:

    function jq(myid) {
    	return myid.replace(/(\[|\]|:|\.)/g,'\\$1');

    added to qtranslate-extended.php and then changed some “e.attr(‘id’)” to “jq(e.attr(‘id’))” on lines about 149 and on to make it recognize them and work as intended.

    So far i managed to get it to show and to work with languages but not to save, as i think it doesn’t update the correct fields and field ID’s to enable wordpress to save them the right way.

    I’ll keep working on it and see if i can figure out the last parts but f anybody else manages to get this to work 100% i would greatly appreciate it.

    Hope my work so far helps somebody else out and thanks in advance


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  • On first glance it works! You are a star. Thanks!

    Hey jhonqwerty,

    your function works like a charm except if you click on “insert into post” button ??

    Can you help me please ?

    @grumo64, sadly I haven’t been able to fix that problem yet, I know that I have to filter somehow the tinyMCE insertion but I haven’t researched too much yet. Probably I will have to deal with that problem later so if I manage to find a solution I will post it here… but don’t expect it too soon.


    I’m trying to convert some advanced custom fields to multilanguage and I don’t know how to do it. I added the class multilanguage-input and the field disappears. What I’m doing wrong? Thank you in advance.

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