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  • Me too…

    with the code
    <?php echo qtrans_generateLanguageSelectCode('text'); ?>

    I get active="" instead of class="active".

    So I changed it to
    <?php echo qtrans_generateLanguageSelectCode('both'); ?>

    and added these to my css.

    #header .qtrans_flag_en, #header .qtrans_flag_fr {background: none;}
    #header .qtrans_flag_and_text {padding:0;}

    I think this is due to a slight implementation issue with a patch I sent in, here’s the amendment needed to fix the problem:

    <                               echo '<li class='. implode(' ', $classes) .'><a href="'.qtrans_convertURL($url, $language).'"';
    >                               echo '<li class="'. implode(' ', $classes) .'"><a href="'.qtrans_convertURL($url, $language).'"';

    Have notified Qian about this via email.

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