Ok, I just did it the dumb way. I downloaded your fork and re added my small changes by hand.
I agree that with more contributors we need a solid strategy for workflow. I’ll try to work out a plan tonight.
Also, I hope you don’t mind, but I made a few changes to your code, mainly formatting. I’m a big fan of very verbose code, especially for a project like this that can get large quickly and have multiple contributors. So when you see the changes, please take no offense. I mainly just moved things around and added line breaks. Another small thing I did was change your tabs to spaces, to keep the formatting the same throughout all the files.
Additionally, I moved your pager_types hook into the data.hooks.inc file, just as a way to keep with the current organization.
I really don’t want this plugin to become a hodge podge of different coding styles and editor formattings like I see in a lot of other WP work, so I’m going to also write up some simple guidelines for contributing.
I don’t claim to know the best way to organize this project, so I’m totally open to any recommendations you have if there are some changes you would like to see.
I put up a forum for query wrangler a few days ago, and it’s still completely empty, but I’m going to add a developers forum to it and write up some sort of contributing plan and guidelines.
Again, I know how these things can come across in text, but I mean no disrespect or offense with any of my changes or suggestions. I completely appreciate all the help I can get, I just want to keep the code easy to read and with some semblance of a formatting standard.
Here is the link to the query wrangeler’s forum where I will be putting some documentation, guidelines and strategy.
Does this all sound reasonable to you?