Quick Cache is extremely reliable, because it runs completely in PHP code, and does not hand important decisions off to the mod_rewrite
engine or browser cache. Quick Cache actually sends a no-cache header ( yes, a no-cache header ) that allows it to remain in control at all times. It may seem weird that a caching plugin would send a no-cache header :-). Please understand that the no-cache headers are the key to the whole concept behind this plugin, and they will NOT affect performance negatively. On the contrary, this is how the system can accurately serve cache files for public users vs. users who are logged in, commenters, etc. That is why this plugin works so reliably.
== ‘Quick Cache’ vs WP Super Cache ( Main Differences ) ==
* Quick Cache uses a combination phase ( with less code ) and NO mod_rewrite
rules ( no .htaccess file is required ). Super Cache requires an .htaccess file with mod_rewrite
rules that serve GZ files. Quick Cache works right out of the box, so it is MUCH easier to install. All you have to do is activate the plugin and enable caching. All of its other options are already pre-configured for typical usage. Using an .htaccess file is 100% optional, and it’s for GZIP compression only.
* Quick Cache provides a complete set of decision engine options for its entire methodology. Super Cache offers On
, Half On
, and Off
. It has fewer options on the back-end panel. Even though Quick Cache is pre-configured for typical usage, it is important for a site owner to have full control at all times. Even those advanced settings that tend to scare novice users away; those have all been included with Quick Cache. Quick Cache teaches you advanced techniques with its examples and built-in documentation for each option.
* Quick Cache maintains absolute control over who sees cached pages. Super Cache allows browsers to cache - the - cache
. In other words, some control is lost, and people who ARE logged in may see (not-logged-in) versions of pages. This technique gives Super Cache its name though. It makes things Super Fast. However, that may not be practical for some database-driven sites that are updated all the time and have lots of different plugins installed. If you offer membership or provide special content for members, you may want to try Quick Cache.
* Quick Cache provides you with the ability to customize the Salt used in cache storage. Super Cache does not provide this capability. It could be done with instruction, but you would need to dig into the code for that. The ability to easily customize the Salt used in cache storage is very important. Many sites offer unique services and serve special versions of certain files. The ability to control how different versions of pages are cached, is critical to advanced webmasters that need to tweak everything and customize the caching engine to their specific needs.