• Great plugin. I love how easy it is to configure and use. The problem is that I have multiple sidebars and I’d like to use it in more than one. Unfortunately, I can’t. I have hardcoded the template php code on <?php quotescollection_quote('arguments'); ?> my other sidebars, but that doesn’t use the same widget refresh/fader as the plugin widget uses. It shows the previous and next links or hides them but there is no fader.

    Is there a workaround?



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  • I would love the ability to do this too!

    Hello, I need to figure this out too – I use two different widgetized sidebard on two templates but I still want Random Quote widget on both. Can you please provide fix? Thanks ??

    Anyone figure out a workaround? I was hoping for the same feature as well. This is already a great plugin, but the ability to have multiple widgets would make it even that much better. Thanks!

    I am also interested in using this plug in on multiple sidebars. I hope a fix or workaround comes along soon. Thanks!

    I believe the solution is to rewrite the plugin to use OO class structure, then there can be multiple instances of it. Not a 5-minute task, but should certainly be doable.

    You can use the Shortcode in a Text Widget if you want to use in multiple sidebars- you might need to add the filter do shortcode to the functions file, but works great.

    You can use the Shortcode in a Text Widget if you want to use in multiple sidebars- you might need to add the filter do shortcode to the functions file, but works great.

    Can you explain exactly what you would add to the functions file? Thanks!

    I was able to get this to work by adding:

    add_filter( ‘widget_text’, ‘shortcode_unautop’);
    add_filter( ‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);

    To my function. Found this on: https://sillybean.net/2010/02/using-shortcodes-everywhere/

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