• Resolved antykomor



    I know that there is a topic named “translations” but it does not helps at all. File “common.ini” which is stored in “lang/en_GB/” has no data to translate – chagning the values will not affect any changes.

    I would like to translate the script into my native language – I dont want to use half-english, half-polish script – it looks bad and inproperly.

    I dont want to translate administrative part of script – it’s okay to have it in english.

    I am unable to find files which are responsible for showing labels in checkout formula and other parts of script which are being shown to users.

    It would be nice if you could help ??

    I was about to buy pro version but PayPal asks me to add cerdit card which I dont have (I have some funds on my PP acc) – maybe you should do something in order to help people buy your software via PayPal without credit cards.


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  • Hello,
    I trying to translate your plugin, but I am something missing. I am change name folder to my language, but nothing is happening when uploading file.

    validLen = “Du?ina va?e?eg polja sa podacima”
    numeric = “Broj?ani podaci (samo pozitivni cifre)”
    string = “Samo tekst”
    int = “Samo brojevi”
    noneValidation = “Tekst i brojevi”
    float = “Decimalna vrednost”
    double = “Duge decimalne vrednosti”
    notEmpty = “Polje ne treba da bude prazno”
    selectNotEmpty = “Nijedna vrednosti nije zabranjena”
    email = “Va?e?i E-mail”
    first_name = “Ime”
    last_name = “Prezime”
    address = “Adresa”
    city = “Grad”
    zip = “Po?tanski broj”
    country = “Dr?ava”
    state = “Region”
    phone = “Telefon”
    fax = “Faks”
    company = “Preduze?e”
    username = “Korisni?ko ime”
    password = ” Lozinka”
    re_password = “Ponoviti lozinku”
    deposit_account = “Depozitni ra?un”
    payondelivery = “Pla?anje pouze?em”

    Could you tell me where I wrong?

    Plugin Author ukrainecmk


    I think that you are using invalid keys. Also, if you want to translate your plugin instance, you should translate build in code variables, userfields names is not build in – you can simple change it on user fields editor panel.


    Plugin Author ukrainecmk


    We glad to announce our translation addon https://docs.readyshoppingcart.com/translation/ !


    Hi Sir, your announce is great, awesome!
    Thank you very much

    Hi, thanks for this plugin..
    I wonder why you don’t use pot file for translation.. Easiest way for translation.

    Plugin Author ukrainecmk


    We found it not very good from programming point of view. But in next versions I think we will add .pot support.


    Hello ukrainecmk,
    Thanks for your interest.
    Best regards..

    thanks for Translator plugin for Ready!to Be i try to use it and it works but some items are missing = not able to translate through the tool – for example Order text link, some button text (Clear cart, Proceed to checkout) … some possibility to add such items somewhere? – to .ini file? thanks for kicks/help

    (wp 3.5.1, cz loc.
    my language/translation: to czech, wp theme Ready!toBe 1.4.6 + Ready ecommerce plugin and Ready!translator plugin, no other plugins activated)

    (for test-preview: https://www.zivapalava.cz/wordpress/nakupni-kosik/

    Plugin Author ukrainecmk


    We will try to include all our lang constants in on of next updates of this solution. For now you can try to add those keys into .ini file manualy.


    hola alexey
    ok. that works well now!
    yesterday i tried to make the same changes in language ini file but it caused some syntax error for the plugin and cause i am a newb with WP, i gave it up. your advice encourage me but today it was the same error till i tried to change the editor from notepad to webuilder and now it works. notepad did not show the content in separate lines but as continuing text and that ?probably? make the trouble … thanks for quick help and regards from frozen central bohemia. (after finishing this eshop, i share the translation file)

    Hello Alex,

    I wonder why you don’t use pot file for translation.. Easiest way for translation.”

    this would be the best way to translate on many languages and we waiting for this ??


    ukrainecmk(plugin author) said:

    1. Create directory with wordpress langusge code in lang directory (for english it is “en_GB”) and then create there file “common.ini”
    2. Then you should wright in this file your translations in next way:
    key = “value”
    where key – is a current phrase in english
    value – is your translation.
    For example to translate phrase Shipping Address to spanish you should write:
    Shipping Address = “Dirección de envío”
    3. Each key – value pair should be from new line.

    i use the online version of wordpress. can i find this language code?

    @mariaweb – these forums are for the self hosted version of WordPress only. Since you are using wordpress.COM they have their own suppot forums at


    But to answer your question, no, you cannot access any files on wordpress.COM

    thank you Rev. Voodoo ??

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