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  • +1

    I have been going mad trying to find answers.. I DO realize that WP 3.0.1 must have thrown the original Register Plus coding out of gear & I’m glad you are still working on it…

    And yes, thanks a zillion for reviving Register Plus – via Redux! ??

    Yep – I entered in my carefully crafted Privacy Policy, than when I saved, it was no more! Back to the old Register plus for now.

    The original version of Register Plus doesn’t seem to be creating any problems for me on WP 3.0.1, but it’s still nice to see this essential plug-in revived!

    Plugin Author radiok


    I think I know what mistake I made here, I’ll patch that ASAP.

    radiok, any luck patching for this problem? I have installed the plugin on my blog bu am experiencing the same problem where none of the settings are saved. I appreciate the hard work and look forward to the patch! Thank you.

    tnx for new patch ,setting saved but dont show in the form of sign up

    I use 3.0.1 wp, and multiuser configuration.
    please edit it.tnx a lot

    Plugin Author radiok


    daneshjoo, I need to looking into WordPress MU, I’ve never used it before and Register Plus wasn’t built for it either. That’s a very interesting enhancement, but I need to get core functionality working properly before I tackle that. I will get to that as soon as possible.

    Plugin Author radiok


    This issue be resolved in 3.6.3, let me know if you still have issues. daneshjoo, I added your issue to my TODO log.

    yes, I need it.

    I install 3.6.4 and active it, but show error in admin :

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mydomain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux/register-plus-redux.php on line 784

    and dont show field in registering page.

    version 3.6.8 also no work in multisite registring page.
    please follow it.

    Plugin Author radiok


    daneshjoo, WordPress MU is still on my TODO list, but I have a few more issues to resolve before I add that functionality, I will keep you informed.

    when it realize for wpmu ?

    I’m using WP 3.0.1 and have set it up as multisite. Not on the webroot level but in a folder /blog/. Register plus redux Version 3.6.11 is activated and it saves all settings. However the fields don’t show up on the registraton page. I turned on define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); in wp-config.php and it throws this error when on admin pages: Notice: Undefined index: action in /home/tree/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux/register-plus-redux.php on line 24 (, line 26, line 28, line 30)

    When on the settings page for the redux plugin, it only shows the error for line 24.

    Plugin Author radiok


    overclockwork, I have resolved the specific notices you mentioned. I’d like to not that those are not errors, only notices. PHP notices do not effect the usability of Redux, but they do note inefficient coding, so like I said, I resolved those specific notices and many, many more. What you uncovered is actually very interesting.

    Regardless, your real problem is that Redux, nore Register Plus, or Pie Register, support WordPress MU. I am actively working toward that goal, but I have several other improvements to make to core functionality before I get to that. For example, the datepicker doesn’t work for custom fields of the date type. Once I have WPMU working I will be sure to notify you and the many other users that have expressed interest in that feature.

    All my websites are giving the following error message: [30-Jan-2011 23:53:59] PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘wpr_processEmails’ not found or invalid function name in /home/freeseoa/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 473

    These are the versions I am using on my server:

    Apache version 2.2.17
    PHP version 5.3.3
    MySQL version 5.0.91-community

    Please help, the error files they create are so massive it causes my server to bog down then I have to reboot then delete all the error_log.php files.

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