• Despite the “WordPress 2.5+ ONLY” disclaimer, this plugin does work with WordPress 3.0x, however, the custom logo option doesn’t seem to work. And even though logo uploading appears to work (verified via FTP – “/wp-content/uploads/”), the registration page continues to show the old WP Logo… but with space reserved big enough to fit the logo you uploaded (and there is no “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders” option to “uncheck” in WP3).

    Also, the “Password strength meter” does not change from “too short” no matter how many characters you type. Be sure to leave this option disabled.

    For the logo, a simple fix would be to allow the user to enter a URL for the logo they wish to use.


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  • I just installed this plugin yesterday, and I can confirm that it does work with 3.0.4, but not entirely. As Mugsy noted, the password strength meter does not appear to be working. No matter what you type in the password field, the meter message does not change, so it is in fact useless at this point in time.

    There are many thing not working in 3.1 and using define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true ); in functions.php i discovered that it’s using many deprecated functions !

    That is why you should use “Register Plus Redux” instead. It is an updated fixed version of this plug-in which works with 3.1.

    If you go to https://www.endtimeprophecy.net/Blog/ and hit the “register” link in the sidebar, you will see how nicely “Register Plus Redux” can be made to look using some CSS. You can even add custom new member fields in its settings.

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