• title : Comment Fields JS Validation

    Auther : Saudi Wanderer

    Version : 0.2

    Requires WordPress Version: 2.0 or higher

    Description : This plug-in validate the comment form required fields using JavaScript. Before submitting the form we must be sure that all required fields are not empty and have valid value. if not..then the visitor will be allerted by a polite alert that tells him about the error.

    Feature :

    * Validate the required fields without reloading the page.
    * Show the error message in nice way.
    * Ability to change the error message.
    * Ability to change the error style.
    * You don’t have to edit any of the WordPress files.

    you can download it from here : https://swanderer.ws/index.php/wordpress-plugins/plugin-comment-fields-js-validation/

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