Hey guys,
I also have a question about this topic or rather the plugin did not work on my wordpress installation too.
I’m using WordPress 3.5.1 and the original TwentyTwelve theme with a child theme for my changes.
After I installed the plugin and activated it, absolutly nothing happens after I resized my browser window (chrome) or tried it on my Galaxy S2. Every time the orginal “Menu” button from the TwentyTwelve responsive function are displayed. And always completly expand –> all menu points are displayed, without a click on the Menu button (but this isn’t an issue by the plugin).
I haven’t created a own menu. I also did not understand what you mean with the “container parameters” but i think, on the normal TwentyTwelve it have to work, without special coding or not?
I don’t want to post the URL here. Is there a possibility to send it via private message or something like that?
Thanks a lot and sorry for my english! ??