Sorry I didn’t get back to you. I got wrapped up with other priorities.
Yes, this is resolved, in a way. I see how dragging in certain views adjusts the start/end times I asked about in my original post.
After reactivating this plugin I found I was having conflicts between this plugin and another ( which prevented the popup dialog from appearing at all.
I disabled the other plugin and can see the popup dialog appropriately. But I couldn’t type into any of the fields.
Using WordPress 3.4.1 and 3.4.2, Twenty-eleven and very few plugins I found a second conflict with another plugin that prevented entering name/venue (
Unfortunately I’m too committed to this web invoice plugin right now to discontinue its use. But I will look further into making them play well together.
I’ve not narrowed it down any further than that. But, by disabling other plugins I was able to resolve this issue.
Thank you!