• I’m very new. Where do I enter this code on my WordPress site? I don’t see any reference to the rss-in-page plug-in on my site after activating it.

    Could you give me an example of these settings applied somewhere, with information chosen and in the context of the surrounding code? Is it a php or css page?

    Thanks very much.

    Here’s the language I found on the plug-ins page:short code [rssinpage rssfeed=’feedURL’] generates a list of RSS feed items with date, title, link and description; now support muiltiple feed URLs separated by a comma e.g. rssfeed=’feedurl1, feedurl2′ – optional attributes: rssitems=’number’ sets the number of items to return, default is 5; rssorder=’asc’ returns items from oldest to newest, default is ‘desc’ which returns items from newest to oldest; rsstarget allows for feed link to be opened in new window by setting to ‘_blank’, default is ‘_self’; rssdateformat allows item date to be formatted using php date parameters, default is RFC 2822 formatted date; rssdescription=’no’ suppress description display, default is to show it; rsscss allows you to set a css class to style the list, default is the content list style in the theme; rssformat allows you to format the output using format parameters e.g. the default x: Y – w
    z where x is the date, Y is the title with a link, y is the title, z is the description and w is the feed title; rsstitlelength allows you to truncate the title to a certain character length; rssdescriptionlength allows you to truncate the description to a certain character length; rsstimezone allows you to set the timezone in which the feed datetime will be displayed, default is UTC.

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